Bubbles' Gait 3

29 Aug 2007
Your party awakens to news from afar. You are groggy but ready for anything, as always, you rascal. There is a letter on the table.

1. Open the Letter. It's just a letter.
2. [BARD] Allow me to save this note from its prison! Huzzah!
3. Study the letter. It might be curious, and so may you.
4. Ignore the letter.
5. [GD] Post the letter through your own letterbox. That'll teach them.
Roll 18


The letter appears unchanged but you know that you have somehow avoided ... something.

1. Open the Letter. It's just a letter.
2. [BARD] Allow me to save this note from its prison! Huzzah!
3. Study the letter. It might be curious, and so may you.
4. Ignore the letter.
5. [GD] Post the letter through your own letterbox. That'll teach them.

Despite an overwhelming feeling I'll regret it.
Despite an overwhelming feeling of impending regret, you open the envelope. There is a letter.

To who it may concern ('whom', you correct silently).

With haste and no small amount of abandon, we summon you and a battle hardened group of adventures to save a SOMETHING from the SOMEONE who is heading towards Bubbles Gait 3 for reasons most dire and exciting.

Roll 15

[Perception - SUCCESS]

If only you could form a party before joining this exciting adventure. Your eyes close and drift to - wait, who is that over there?
Roll 5


You cannot tell, at this stage, whether your soon-to-be party members are friend or foe.

This is a lie. They will be both.

If only you could form a party before joining this exciting adventure. Your eyes close and drift to - wait, who is that over there?
You have my axe good sir!
Attempt the traditional greeting of my people.

1. Assume stand and bang stance.
2. Violently gyrate shoulders and hips.
I try a more direct approach and ask loudly:

Are there any adventurers brave enough to join me in saving something from someone who is heading towards Bubbles Gait for *pause to re-read letter* reasons most dire and exciting?

You form a party. Observers - not that there are any - might suggest an additional fluffing to fill out to foursome but you pause and gauge the calibre of interested parties. They are interesting.
The mostly formed party does not venture North at this point. East may come later.

You form a party. Observers - not that there are any - might suggest an additional fluffing to fill out to foursome but you pause and gauge the calibre of interested parties. They are interesting.

How about that one over there?
It is a shambles and yet you have never felt more alive to be surrounded by strangers who will go SOMEWHERE to do a SOMETHING because LETTER.

As one they nod and you're surprised to note a steely determination behind their nervous smiles. It reminds you of a story from before, an old but good one - the story and the time.

"A Noxia, a FoxEye, a Megahurtz400 and a LuckyBenski walk into a ba-" ... no, nevermind. The moment passes as they tend to.

"Go North?" someone - it might be Noxia - suggests. A nod and some grumbling but no clear direction from the rest. They're unsure and tired.

Roll 11


"North." That was Noxia this time. He sounds more considered, certain.

You watch to see what might happen next.
A gentle shot across the bows is enough to remind FoxEye that at least someone is taking this seriously.

The team find that they can stand down for a moment or two. Unplanned is not the same as unexpected.

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