Budget Gaming Build...Ryzen vs i5

17 Apr 2009
Hi Guys

Need some guidance looking at a pre-built system with a budget of around 1000 - 1050.
Im looking at a few of the systems: Titan Bayonet, Titan Falcon (Ryzen), Titan Katana (Ryzen). I just need advise on which is the best route to go, in terms of performance at 1080p and perhaps will last longer!

I was unsure how to link build, please see links to screenshots of builds.




So I believe the falcon, has the worst PSU but perhaps the best brand on GPU? While also coming in the cheapest. The Bayonet is OC'd to 4.8ghz vs the OC to 3.8GHZ on the ryzen builds. Also both the ryzen builds say comes with windows 10, but still has a drop down box for it, while the bayonet says it doesnt? could someone shed some light if the Ryzen builds do infact come with windows 10?

So what would you guys reccomend, stick with the OC'd i5 or take a jump on the Ryzen?
So OC have confirmed no systems come with Windows 10. So that's a error on the page. Will need to check the psu' s.

My head is leaning ryzen with a rx580 they both seem to have a slight edge over the i5/1060 but feel like the Intel build is the safer bet. But with such tight budget currently it sucks!
Thank you for the PSU information, I feel drawn to the Ryzen and RX 580 seems pretty comparable to the i5/1060 but a little cheaper. Just worried about possible compatibility issues and issues in general with the new platform.
Thank you.

I recently purchased a Samsung EVO 850 250gb, for my current PC. I could save a lot just getting a standard HDD for the new build and adding my current SSD.

Is this an awkward process, would I need to wipe it and re-installing windows? Would I do this while installed on my current pc...then simple plug and play?
Hey again guys, my budget has went down slightly and the prices of the pre-builds in my first post seem to have went up abit.

Im now looking at the following, using the OCUK PC BUILDER CONFIG:

OcUK Tech Labs AMD Ryzen Midi Tower Gaming PC Configurator

Image link incase above doesnt work

Few questions regarding this build, im looking at 2 gtx 1060's which are on sale: KFA2 GeForce GTX 1060 OC 6144MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card and the Gainward GeForce GTX 1060 Dual 6144MB GDDR5 PCI-Express Graphics Card. Both the same price, which will offer the better performance? Or is one brand best to avoid? Its really to do me until VEGA etc comes out. As my current PC is on its last legs.
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