Budget Gaming PC

Thanks guys, I'd probably look at getting one of theses monitors or something similar in the near future.



I'm torn between getting something like suggested and using it or 6 months and selling (moving countries, no desk/office) or something like XMG Fusion 15 (I realize the hefty price difference but I understand there might be a mobile gpu refresh shortly?).

My only concern is regarding the AMD driver issues I keep hearing about. i'd love to support team red but as I'm going to sell this machine in 6 months I don't want something plagued by issues.

I read through the thread and couldn't see anything out of the ordinary for VA monitors. It seemed like ultimately all monitor types have their own respective problems and that unless you pay quite a lot you can't avoid all issues. From what 've seen they look good enough to me at the price.
Aorus monitor happily works with G-sync and Freeysnc - isn't offically support yet but should be soon - hopefully rep and confirm @GIGA-Man ?

Havent seen to much issues with 120hz gaming between VA and IPS - but not a current hardcore FPS gamer and more RTS



as for laptops - same price but larger Ram and SSD


or could go cheaper and then run eGPU enclosure in the future for more GPU power as with these laptops the CPUs will last a good while!

After some consideration I think i'll get a PC for a few months, sell it and pick up a laptop q2/q3 this year once we see the new gpus/cpus
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