Budget lens for landscapes d7500

D.P. thanks so much that's a very informed post. I'm off to Berlin in April and wanted a wide angle for more versatality. (Maybe that's the wrong type of lens however). There will be a lot of architerctural points of interest that I simply cannot capture with my 85 prime. I've been experimenting with it, and whilst it is excellent at what I bought it for, (portrait and bokeh) I am struggling with anything much larger. I also love landscape photography and I thought the Tokina would be a great lens for that. Maybe I need to go back to the drawing board.
Decisions.. I dont know what to do really.

I love the idea of the 10-24. I can see limited potential in that lens. But maybe I do need something more practical. I currently own the 85mm prime which is perfect for portraits and fine detail. But that 16-85 is excellent value isn’t it and maybe offers a compromise?
I guess i could? To be honest I didn't think about that. Like you said there is a lot to photograph round here, and I'm only a short walk from a stunning sandy beach overlooking Arran. But between the 10-24 and the Prime I've got, I'm not sure that would be suitable for Berlin, which is why I think the 16-85 or something similar might be better. Plus its half the price.
Okay guys I’ve had a little think. I lack a general purpose lens. I’ve got my iPhone but that’s as good as it gets. After reading the advice on here it’s a toss up between going wide (10-24) or grabbing myself something more versatile.

The 10-24 wide angle is also currently out of stock and I don’t know when they’ll get more.

if my budget is £300 what’s the best general purpose lens I could get with the money? The 16-85 does tempt me, especially for £170.
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