Budget Mini ITX Gaming Rig - Diablo 3 and Skyrim

7 Apr 2011
Due to being hoofed off my normal gaming PC by the other half i'm in dire need of another PC, only requisite is that it must be small!

I'm looking at the mini ITX cases and they look amazing but I must confess it's a bit greek to me when they start talking about clearance for graphics card and fitting in cases.

I quite like the look of the Antec ISK 600 so any build/component suggestions would be welcome around that.

It just needs to play D3 and Skyrim at max and play some of the newer games at medium settings.

Thank you.
Budget is cheaper the better! I'm not a heavy skyrim modder so it's out of the box skyrim I play normally with the DLC.

I would say my max budget is around 600 but as I said the cheaper the better ...

I was also thinking of going down the Steam box root but again it's a black art!
Don't need to overclock or an OS, i've been tinkering around on overclockers and come up with this.

Intel i5-4460
Asus Geforce GTX 750i
ASrock H97M Pro4
Bitfenix Prodigy M MATX Case
Superflow FX 550W '80 Bronze Power Supply
Kingston HyperX Fury 8GB

Don't need a HDD as I have plenty around at home and it'll be on a normal TFT monitor, although would quite like to have HDMI 1080p support if I go down the steam box.

I'm so out of the loop with Graphics cards by the way so go easy on me.

Was also looking at water cooling for the CPU but not sure what can fit in that case.
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