Looking for a bit of advice for my first PC build, I will be using it for basic work stuff, plus a bit of YouTube and online shopping, possibly a bit of gaming for if I ever decide to roll back the years and buy Football Manager.
Here's the plan...
The idea was to buy the main parts I/E motherboard, CPU and GPU from a well known seller like OverClockers - For that added confidence - but I wanted to buy them last as they'll be costly.
Other parts I'm going to buy will be new but sourced as cheap as possible because I don't have a big budget.
Parts I have so far...
ATX Case:
Slave HDD: WD 1TB SN850X M.2 HDD
PSU: Corsair CX550W 550W
Parts to get...
Main HDD: Crucial MX500 SATA HDD - this is going to be for the operating system.
Memory: 32gb to start with a view to upgrading to 64gb.
Motherboard: no idea yet.
CPU: AM5 but no idea what yet.
GPU: no idea yet.
With the memory, I was looking at Crucial DDR5 Pro 2x16GB or Corsair Vengeance 2x16GB DDR5 - If i buy one of the 2, would I be able to buy another set the same later and run them together as 4x16GB? or would it be better to buy 1 x 32gb and add another 1 x 32gb later?
I was hoping to buy the memory next but am I right in thinking that the Crucial and Corsair will work with pretty much any AMD AM5 motherboard?
Any suggestions RE a CPU (around £150) motherboard (around £150) and GPU (around £150) would be appreciated
I have some stuff to sell on eBay which will hopefully allow me to spend a little more hence leaving the 3 main items until last
Looking for a bit of advice for my first PC build, I will be using it for basic work stuff, plus a bit of YouTube and online shopping, possibly a bit of gaming for if I ever decide to roll back the years and buy Football Manager.
Here's the plan...
The idea was to buy the main parts I/E motherboard, CPU and GPU from a well known seller like OverClockers - For that added confidence - but I wanted to buy them last as they'll be costly.
Other parts I'm going to buy will be new but sourced as cheap as possible because I don't have a big budget.
Parts I have so far...
ATX Case:
Slave HDD: WD 1TB SN850X M.2 HDD
PSU: Corsair CX550W 550W
Parts to get...
Main HDD: Crucial MX500 SATA HDD - this is going to be for the operating system.
Memory: 32gb to start with a view to upgrading to 64gb.
Motherboard: no idea yet.
CPU: AM5 but no idea what yet.
GPU: no idea yet.
With the memory, I was looking at Crucial DDR5 Pro 2x16GB or Corsair Vengeance 2x16GB DDR5 - If i buy one of the 2, would I be able to buy another set the same later and run them together as 4x16GB? or would it be better to buy 1 x 32gb and add another 1 x 32gb later?
I was hoping to buy the memory next but am I right in thinking that the Crucial and Corsair will work with pretty much any AMD AM5 motherboard?
Any suggestions RE a CPU (around £150) motherboard (around £150) and GPU (around £150) would be appreciated
I have some stuff to sell on eBay which will hopefully allow me to spend a little more hence leaving the 3 main items until last