Budget pocket camera - Worth it?

14 Feb 2015
So Im in the market for a camera, i have a DSLR (old 1000D) and a point and shoot from 2012, its 14mp and was a budget panasonic. Im going on a trip and was thinking of getting a better point and shoot for the pocket, my phone is a samsung galaxy S5 so it would have to be a big increase over the phone to be worth it really. I was thinking a budget of £150 - £200 but it seems to me the pocket camera area has stagnated a bit, the advice i seem to see is get a good phone or spend £400+ on a large sensor model. Anyone have any ideas/opinions?
Sony RX100,might get the first one for your budget.

Thanks for both replies, i looked at the rx100, im a bit wary of second hand but it is an option. I was having a look around and how do you think these models would compare to say a Galaxy S5? I know they are budget compared to the RX100 but just wondering how they would perform.

Sony DSCWX350
PowerShot SX620 HS
I'm biased towards phones taking better photos than a dedicated camera do I will always go for a camera over a phone.
I'm not up with what's good in the point and shoot range (apart from the Rx 100 range) but I'm sure if you type in best point and shoot for £200 it will come up with a good one for you.
I have and it seems to be plagued with opinions that dont seem to have any experience, i see a million and one comments saying cameras are dead and if yo dont get a DSLR just use your phone but logicly a camera should take better photos right? I mean its their one and only job, larger in size and a much larger lense area.....i have a hard time seeing any real data/evidence for these opinions.
I have the RX100 and whilst it takes better photos than my S7 by a fair margain at times.

But most of the time I just use my phone because of the ease, and that the S7 photos are still great.
That is an option, i mean i found my Samsung S5 3 years ago laying inside a cheese and tomato pizza.......its old, was free and its still good but i wonder if getting maybe a generation old samsung instead of a camera would be a better option since i will probably need a new phone sooner or later anyway....its such a hard choice nowadays, 10 years ago it was simple and we had thousands of point and shoots but now its very very narrow, in my range there are 3-4 cameras......
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