Budget Recommendation needed - CPU, Motherboard Ram

28 Dec 2002
My current system seems to be getting rather slow and unstable and so looking to replace the motherboard, CPU and RAM. Looking to spend under £200 so any suggestion at the moment leaning to AMD as prefer the idea of a quad core set up but open to suggestions. Gaming will probably be the most demanding use of the system.
Hi there,

May I ask what PSU and graphics card you are currently using? Also, knowing the rest of your current spec would be very useful.

Also, you mention your current system is slow and unstable, is it overclocked and have you tried formatting the HDD then reinstalling windows?

I have a 600w Be Quite PSU and a 4870 1GB graphics card. Possible next year i will upgrade the graphics card.

Thanks for the AMD build suggestion is there anything in the Intel range that worth considering?
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