What you need to remember with Intel is that they were stung once before and it won't happen again.
If anybody remembers the infamous Intel P90 floating point problem where a number divided by itself was giving a result of 0 rather than 1.
Initially Intel denied the error existed.
Then they told everyone it really wasn't a major issue.
Finally they admitted it was, and a recall was issued.
Intel then went on to actually do one of the better and well organised recalls - so OK they couldn't contact buyers direct, but when you contacted Intel be it with an OEM or Retail CPU they helped you get a replacement.
Intel first of all got a lot of negative press and then, once the recall had been actioned got much better press.
Because of all of that if ever Intel do make the mistake of rolling out a CPU with that level of problem again they will recall as the money lost in such action is tiny compared to the negative press they otherwise receive.
That document might sound horrible, however I think it's safe to say there really isn't anything too serious on that list or else we'd have already heard about the recall.