Build a shopping cart offline, or on a subdomain and port it over.

12 Feb 2007
South Shields
Is it possible, and how would I go about it?

I currently have a shop at e.g. and I need this to stay until the new site is ready.

I build a new shop (using SQL database and PHP, this is a cart such as opencart, magento etc) on say a subdomain

Is it possible to just then shift the whole site over easily? How simple is it to actually do?

I have a LOT of products to move, and it will take me several weeks to move everything over and set up a whole new shop.
Well it will all be on the same host, so configs. Hmm, might have to do a test of the cart I intend to use first! I have a couple of specific requirements which can severly limit cart choice!

Thanks, at least I know it is do-able!
Take a look at Zen cart while you're at it..

I already have a ZenCart and on OpenCart site. However, I need SKU codes for the product attributes, and the mods for ZenCart seem quite poor. I need a cart that does them as standard, as my Zencart needed so many hacks and tweaks to get it running 'right' (and naturally I have no idea what I actually have done to it over the past 3 years) that I am a bit sick of it! I am tempted to look into Magento Community Edition. I do also need a cart wich works easily with my order management software!
Plus, I work full time as well, and a new website will be quite a bit of work (weeks probably) adding all the stock lines.

Its never easy is it!
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