In the middle of putting together my new pc and ive started swearing at it.
The USB3 front connector is a right pain to connect, its in now, but i cant believe they thought coming in sideways was the best way to plug into it.
Also the USB C connector, just falls out of its socket. Is this normal? Should there be some kind of click when it goes in?
Also just looking how how im going to get the 2 8pin power connectors in to the mobo is making my fingers bleed in sympathy.
Ah well its all worth it in the end i suppose.
The USB3 front connector is a right pain to connect, its in now, but i cant believe they thought coming in sideways was the best way to plug into it.
Also the USB C connector, just falls out of its socket. Is this normal? Should there be some kind of click when it goes in?
Also just looking how how im going to get the 2 8pin power connectors in to the mobo is making my fingers bleed in sympathy.
Ah well its all worth it in the end i suppose.