I've put this build together with the intension of putting a 5090 in when it is released. I'll run the onboard graphics to get it set up. I'm not bothered about wifi so wondering if the Asrock x870 pro RS would do the same job given I'll only tweak PBO and probably leave the memory at 6000, which I understand is the current sweet spot. I'm looking at maybe installing some games on a second drive so I'd also like to know if I can install two of the T500's on this board and if yes, will it lower any of the other slot speeds.
Thank You
My basket at OcUK:
Thank You
My basket at OcUK:
- 1 x Asrock X870 Steel Legend WIFI (Socket AM5) DDR5 ATX Motherboard (SKU: MOT-ASR-03307) = £224.99
- 1 x Kingston FURY Beast EXPO 64GB (2x32GB) DDR5 PC5-44800C30 6000MHz Dual Channel Kit (SKU: MEM-KNG-03707) = £194.99
- 1 x Antec HCG 1200 Pro Platinum 1200W ATX3.1 Full modular Power Supply (SKU: POW-ATC-02747) = £209.98
- 1 x Crucial T500 2TB NVMe PCIe Gen4 M.2 Solid State Drive (SKU: STO-CRU-01090) = £99.95
- 1 x Thermalright Peerless Assassin 120 SE ARGB Black CPU Cooler - 120mm (SKU: COO-TLR-02724) = £29.99
- 1 x AMD Ryzen 7 9800X3D Eight Core 5.20GHz (Socket AM5) Processor - Retail (SKU: PRO-AMD-03517) = £499.99
- 1 x Antec C8 ARGB Midi Tower - Black (SKU: CAS-ATC-02732) = £129.95
- 1 x Arctic MX-4 Thermal Compound (4g) (SKU: TH-01B-AR) = £4.99
- 2 x be quiet Pure Wings 3 140mm High Speed PWM Fan (SKU: COO-BEQ-01132) = £9.95
Total: £1,414.73 (includes delivery: £0.00)
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