Build Freezing on windows install

29 Sep 2005
ok so here i go AGAIN , new hardrive, maxtor this time...

i install fine, everything is smooth and then plop it freezes when installing windows like my other new 80gb seagate.. and now both freeze at windows logo loading screen...

i have tried so much to get this pc working i need HELP, please god! i have highlighted areas which come to mind as untested problems? but i doubt its the chip..

P4 2.4ghz 1mb cache 478 PROBLEM?
Asus p4-p800 X 478 PROBLEM?
1GB elixer ram
X800 256mb agp
Tagan 420 i XEYE (blue LED model) PROBLEM?
Gigabyte pro heatsink (120mm fan)
80GB seagate Hdd ide
DVD drive
only time I have had errors or issues installing xp have always been ram related

might be worth a try, maybe if 2 sticks just try 1, apprantly it can be really fussy when installing.
Booner! said:
ok so here i go AGAIN , new hardrive, maxtor this time...

i install fine, everything is smooth and then plop it freezes when installing windows like my other new 80gb seagate.. and now both freeze at windows logo loading screen...

i have tried so much to get this pc working i need HELP, please god! i have highlighted areas which come to mind as untested problems? but i doubt its the chip..

P4 2.4ghz 1mb cache 478 PROBLEM?
Asus p4-p800 X 478 PROBLEM?
1GB elixer ram
X800 256mb agp
Tagan 420 i XEYE (blue LED model) PROBLEM?
Gigabyte pro heatsink (120mm fan)
80GB seagate Hdd ide
DVD drive

Could be your windows media? If you have another it's worth a try.

Is it after the first reboot during windows install? or has the install process completed, and then it freezes on final reboot? Is it always at the exact same point that it freezes?

Remove any non essential USB devices...same goes for any non essential cards in the machine.
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