Build log - 3570k, gtx 570, cm 690ii lite.

24 Oct 2005
North East
Hey all.

Didnt know which was the best forum to post a build log so thought i would post it here.

Coolermaster 690ii lite case
Gigabyte Z77 D3H
I5 3570K
Corsair LP White DDR3 1600mhz 1.35v ram.
Antec 620 with 2x GTyphoon 1850 fans.
Gainward 570 Phantom
Onboard Sound
Corsair HX620 psu
Liteon dvdrw (came today tho there is a rattle inside and im worried its broke grr)

Day 1.

Have all the pieces now. So for the first day i thought i would look at the case and have a good stare and see where i want things. Mainly the fan placements.

I think i have settled on front intake, 1 top exhaust 1 side intake, 1 rear exhaust which is part of a push pull with the antec 620. So im hoping that the front will get the air in, the side will help bring cool air in for the gfx card. Then any warm air that's in will rise up and out of the case through the top extraction fan and the antec 620 system tho not 100% sure if intake or exhaust for the antec 620 yet still got to think about it.

My corsair hx620 psu is in the old comp which will need to be pulled for the new case/build which i plan on doing tomorrow sometime. I need to put the new psu a ocz 550w zs series psu in the old case/comp which is going to be my brothers pc once im done setting my new case/comp up.

I will edit this with more info and pics when i can but for now (day 1) all i have done so far is think about the case management and then i got to work switching the front intake fan from stock case fan from the cm 690 ii lite (120mm with a led) and put in place the fan that comes with the antec 620 as the static pressure im hoping will be good enough to pull through the grill in the front of the case with dust filters and then push through the hdd bay area. Presuming it will be stronger than the 120mm stock led fan that came with the case.

Also today i put the backplate on the mb and then fitted the motherboard into the case. The i/o panel bit was weird, i.e when mb goes into the io it needed a bit of a push to get the connectors where they should be but then the metal in the centre of the io sorta bent outward a bit, but with putting the covers on the vga/dvi and hdmi ports on the mb the metal has gone back to being level and straight. Originally i did put the mb in first but i noticed that the smegging mb hole for backplates was in the wrong spot and i couldn't fit the board first then put the backplate bracket on for cpu on as the hole was too much to the right (grr what a waste of a backplate cpu hole on the case for a atx motherboard). Anyhow so took mb out again put backplate on and put the mb back in the case.

I ended up doing the case wiring for the hdd led, power switch reset switch etc as the last things to do today, oh and the usb header for the case in the mb. As i was getting tired which ok doesnt seem like a lot was done but meh I had enough for today plus was getting hungry so gona make some dinner soon.

Gotta find out which audio header to use from case into the motherboard as theres a ac 90 or somit header and then there is a HD Audio header.

Some pics now:

Case front, with cover off and the stock fan replaced with the antec fan. (hate threading new fans grr)

Right side of case with side off showing the mb installed and headers installed for case stuff like hdd led etc.

Boring side of left of case with side off, showing a bit of early cable managment. Tho after i did that i notice a nice hole where i could have put the cables lol but ah well, they are nicely sorted now.

So tomorrow, will hopefully be psu switch from old comp to new comp, install new psu in old comp, install psu in new case/comp and hook up some of the cables. Maybe do more but not sure ill see how i go. I may install the cpu and antec 620 setup as well.
Nah the cooler will be easy enough. Its a AIO watercooling thing, the fitting is pretty easy i tested it before. Besides it would be more tricky fitting the cooler on out of the case because then it will be attached to the rad which would be tricky to hold and carry while installing the mb. :p Remember it is not a huge tower cooler that weighs a ton.
Ahh I loved that little case, was a pleasure building in it.

Just an idea (what I did in mine) remove the bottom HDD cage and move the intake fan down to the bottom for more airflow.
Small update.

@tw sponge

Would but i have 3 hdds and 1 ssd so cant unfortunately but i do plan to remove the top few hdd bays out tho so the fan doesnt have as much to push against. Better than nowt i guess.

Wanted to see about fan fittings so i have installed the two top fans and i have temparaly put on the antec 620 to get a feel for its size, it will be coming off tomorrow as i will need to the space to see about the 4 pin mb connector which is (damn u gigabyte) at the top left up most of the motherboard. Once that is in place ill put the 620 with both fans installed back in the case.

I need to figure out if i want to go either molex for the fans in which to power them or try and source some fan cable extenders and hook them up to the motherboard tho i can only get about 3 out of 5 on the motherboard the 620 GT 1850 fans i think might benefit from a molex connection. As i said im not quite sure which way to go so if anyone has any ideas let me know.

Few pics.

Fans on top and the antec 620 on the left (620 is temp installed it will come out again)

Fan cables, molex or get some extenders is the question im pondering.
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Well today i have taken the hx620 out of my old case and put it semi in the new case its in there but not secured yet as didnt have time or the energy to fit it. The 4 pin mb connector is going to be a really hard stretch to get it to use the back of the case for cable management. The 24pin connector from psu is thicker than i thought and that will also be a challange to use in cable management in the back of the case.

Had to spend ages getting the hx620 out of the old case, i didnt think it would take long i.e unplug the cables and get it out but nope. First was getting the cables which some were tied up with cable ties. Then i had to get the damn 4 pin mb connector out which was a real itch to do as there was very little space. I managed to get it out but then came the task of giving the case a massive dust clean, i.e blowing a lot lol and using kitchen towel to get as much as i could out of the case. Got about 90% out of the case, little bit left but in extremely hard to reach areas where i had no access to really. But its done.

After all that faf on I then had the job of putting in the new psu in the old comp (bros comp) that i just cleaned out. Went ok, better than getting the hx620 out. The 4 pin was tricky again but went in easier than it is taking it out due to not needing to declip it.

Anyhow so end of the day psu work for 2 cases, a dust cleaning job, a bit of a cable sorting job.

Could do pictures but nothing really great about today. If requested i could do one or two. But think ill wait till i have the psu installed properly and install the hdds in and the dvdrw that is coming tomorrow as I sent the one with the rattling inside back today and getting replacement shipped next day delivery :) and then get the psu hooked up best i can i guess. Still dunno which way im gona do the 4 pin mb connector. As i think i can do it but its gona be very very tight fit.
a lot done today well i reckon so as its very time consuming cable management i have found as this is the first case i have had with a behind the mb cable management system.

So i got the 4 pin cable for the mb in ok, was a tight fit but its done and im pretty pleased about that. the 8 pin mb cable was long and bit of a nusence but i managed to find a hiding spot at the front of the case. :)

The 24pin mb cable, now that was a bit tricky as the cable is so thick. Luckily the back of the case closes ok with that cable. :) I have managed to place it and cable tied it best i could for now to the mb back.

The hard drives were a bit of a problem as the gromets for the bays for the hdds were problematic i.e stuck out even when pushed in as best i could, but i managed it in the end and just ended up giving it a bit of a push and wiggle to get the drives in. Next was the cabling of the drives. Boy was this a toughy. you see the sata cables for the psu are pretty stiff. I ended up spreading the drives out along the 6 bays because there was no chance in hell it would let me have them all together at the bottom of the case because of the sata power cable and how stiff they were. I mean i could insert them but there would be this hard as rock loop of cable between all 3 (2 loops) and if i did that then the back of the case wouldnt go on as the loops were sticking like 1.5in out the back. :( So my air flow from the front intake fan isnt gona be as good as i would have hoped due to the spreading of the hdds in the 6 bays compared to my plan of all at the bottom and then take the empty bay drive things out of the case so hopefully that would have made a benefit to the airflow.

Im not 100% happy with the sata drive data cables, they might be redone tomorrow plus i totally forgot about the dvdrw cabling. So need to work on that tomorrow.

Got the antec 620 fans or well one of them for now set for cable management. As well as the front intake fan. Things could change tho depends how i look at it all in the morning.

Bit of a tight fit but does go on and slide fully the side panel where the cabling is. So for that im happy.

Still to do is

SSD, gotta take that out of the old comp, format it and then get it in the case and figure where i will place it and where the cabling will be. Thinking near the dvdrw as that way i can use 1 sata power cable for both of them as they will be close to each other.

Gfx card needs putting in and cabling sorted for that. This will probably be one of the last things to be put in but i do need to check the gfx in the mb pci-e slot as i want to know if i will lose any sata ports, i think i might lose one but not sure. Edit - Just went and had a go semi inserting it i.e get it to near where the slot is and it wouldnt go but i moved the sata cables around a bit and had to lose the top blue port and use the bottom blue port instead, it fitted ok so thats cool, the other 2 sata things i.e ssd and dvdrw can go in the white sata 6 right angled ports. Will need to experiment which is the best way which im glad now that i didnt tie any of the sata cables down as i kinda knew i might need to do this.

Think thats all i did today. Yeah probably not a lot to some people but cable management for a first timer and trying to do a good enough job takes a long time and planning well kinda on the fly planning lol. Working so far the cabling. Not much more to do, just the pcie cable and another sata cable for the ssd and dvdrw and 2 more sata data cables then the majority of the cabling is done and then i can start trying to tie down the majority of cables so there nicely tied to the back plate of the mb and so there not loose.

Then comes the cpu, memory, cooler, then gfx card. Which could be on sunday if not saturday evening.


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