Build me a system £400

27 Nov 2005
I have been using my laptop for last 18months and have decided to get a new desk top. Last upgrade was when Nvidia TI4200 was a top end card (see im out of date).

I play games online like SOF2 & medal of honour. I burn a lot of DVD'd & CD,s and also need large storage space.

I want AMD 64 bit as cheaper and better value, with a fast graphics card Think best are now PCI not AGP & good memory DDR2 (that ment to be fastest), as dont want to keep upgrading every year.

I not to bothered on a top end board as long as it supports a fast CPU large amount of fast ram and is SATA (think that what they called) hard drive.

Thanks for taking time to help.
Hi guys,

Yes its only the tower im after. I plan on getting an 19" TFT next month. Sorry its under memory thats my lack of posting knowledge.

Specks sound good apart from the CPU and board sckt compatability.

Ram & harddrive sounds great and so are the other bits, what does the CPU run at as I have only ever used Pentiums and know the clock speed the be the speed of the CPU. AMD different?

If poss could I add the other £30 on the CPU to make a big difference, VAT not a problem and coverd.

Thanks for replys.
That sounds good Alexrose1uk.

Would a AMD samprom 64 outperform the 3000+ if you spent the same money on it?

Or is there a big difference in the quality of the chip?

All others look real good and have large storage and I think the graphics card would do me fine for a couple of years, as my old TI4200 run my games and was fine at the time.

Take the card is like a budget one like the TI4200 was compaired to the TI4600 @ the time?

I have had a look around and looking at things the PCI Express is the latest things so if the card needed upgrading in 3years that would be good too.
thanks for the info that looks great.

Well still going to stick with the AMD 3000+ not the Sampron. I would probley go for the 256 card as no messing around in a years or so.

Thanks for all coments. If anyone can offer any different soultions would be good for me to compaire.
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