I'm wanting to build a gym/shed in the garden but have so many questions!
If I throw some here, I'd love to hear some input from builders/people in the trade/people who have done this before.
Starting with the base;
1. 100mm/4" concrete good enough?
2. Should the base be to exact external measurements, or should the base be larger?
3. Timber or block? I ruled brick out as everything I've read has said it's expensive!
4. If block - Aerated or concrete? Concrete would be stronger - but would the base need to be thicker to deal with the weight?
I'd be more comfortable working with timber - but the blocks would outlast it. Timber has also gone up in price a lot over the last year or two, so may not be much in it price wise.
EDIT> A quick look suggests bricks would be around £2.5k, and blocks £900, so timber might be the way to go.
I can't do a pitched roof as on the boundary. Rather than going completely flat, I'm thinking 2.5m at the back and 2.3m at the front. This should allow some rain run-off but keeping a sensible height.
5. Does this approach sound OK?
6. Spend the extra for rubber over felt?
Thanks for any input!
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