Building a website - Where to start

10 Jan 2006
Hello ,
I am trying to build a website for a little project I am working on - It is basically involves linking up with facebook so I can get people profile page and also things like scheduling and arranging meetings etc.

Am looking to to bootstrap to begin with and then build from there - I am competent with photoshop but no expert.

What do you suggest I use to start building my site ?? any recommended tutorials

that looks good - I still havent decided on my name yet and dont want to commit into buying a domain name just yet - what would you suggest hosting it on for free and then one I have a name I can buy the domian name and transfer ?
I went into a web designers yesterday and spoke to them about my idea HOWEVER upon receiving the quote - I was quoted £23,100 which is WAY over my budget. Would it be completly unrealistic to build the website with the same functionality myself??
What about using e-lance to build the website - is this unrealistic seems as if you can get them built relativly cheaply although I can see there may be problems .

has anyone had any experience in doing this ?
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