Building new pc budget of £1200

2 Dec 2020
Hi all I've been trying to build the best price to performance build for £1200 but I have been really struggling with it. Any advice on different components or a build in mind? I don't know much when it comes to gaming computers so I would appreciate the advice.
Thanks for your time!
You don't really need much to achieve 1080/60, any CPU 3600 and up and any graphics 5600 XT or 1660 Super and up.

If you're into competitive gaming or want to push high FPS then I'd consider a 5600X, if you can get one.

Graphics card, perhaps the 3060 Ti.

Any other suggestions other than 3060 ti? Tried to get one yesterday but all sold out. Or any idea how long nvidia usually takes to restock stores?
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