bulb suggestions

22 Oct 2002
Piggy's Slave Cage

I now need to replace both bulbs on a 200 renault laguna. Any suggestions of which ones to get? I was thinking of nipping down to halfords but I'm sure you guys can suggest better stuff.
AFAIK, H1/H7 are single-filament bulbs. H4 are twin-filament.

Can you take one of your bulbs out and take a photo?

It's got my Prelude down as having H4 for main and dipped - that's wrong, as I know it takes a pair of H4 bulbs and a pair of H1 bulbs.
certainly can just taken them out

side lights


main beam


Full beam is fine

my shopping basket contains this

1 x Power Bulbs: Power Plus H7
1 x Philips Blue Vision W5W
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I have those sidelights, not bad at all but i got them free when i ordered. The bulb you have taken apic of doesnt look like a H4 to me, i think it could be a H7.

Oh yes go for the PowerPlus.

Also dont add the side lights to your basket, it will be added automatically on their side when they receive your order.
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