Bulmer's Pear Cider... side effects?

14 Nov 2002
This is the third time I've had a night out on this stuff and I'm convinced that it's a laxative... I don't really enjoy having a bum like Niagara falls, so can someone else please assure me that it's not my alimentary canal going haywire? :eek:

EDIT: No medical advice please!
/shrugs. Strongbow Cider makes me *oi no swearing!* a lot more than usual but as for Niagara Falls? Maybe your body just doesn't like one of the ingredients?

I'm trying to suss it seeing as normal Bulmer's is OK and the only common thing I can see is Sulphites. Whenever I drink the pear stuff though, it's like that little Dutch kid pulled his thumb out of the hole in the dam :( Exorcist from the opposite end is quite embarassing - people think I'm doing drugs or something when I disappear every 5 mins to the depth-charge basin.

IBS. See doctor.
Don't post drunk.

Par for the course here, I thought ;)
I drink lots of Real Ale, have done for years, and fare quite well to be honest. Perhaps I'm just allergic to something in Bulmer's Pear Cider :(

Ale has a habit of making you dump your load in spectacular style the next day, but this stuff seems to make me release a Tsunami scale torrent of fecal matter within about 10 mins of drinking my 5th pint :p What the hell...
Kebab? Burger? anything else to blame?

I never eat junk food like McD's, Burger King etc... and to be honest, although I've had a good quota I don't feel very drunk tonight. Just shocked at how this stuff seems to make me want to eject my guts each time I drink it.

If I'm the only one then perhaps I should see a doctor :(
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