Thought some may find this usefull.
OcUK name on the left with Burnout Paradise name on the right.
Please try to keep the thread "On Topic", i.e for Burnout Paradise usernames only - Many Thanks.
For general discussion of Burnout Paradise, please see here:
To discuss arranging Multiplayer games, please see here:
OcUK name on the left with Burnout Paradise name on the right.
Gimpymoo - Gimpymoo
Larkspeed - Larkspeed
Mailman86 - Mailman86
muggs - muggs786
Mortster - mortster
Aekeron - FrenchTart
KnightStalker - KnightStalkerUK
sharpygsxr - sharpygsxr
Andyburnes - Andyburnes
Meloco - meloco65
Dingleberry88 - Dingleberry88
knowledge123 - knowledge123
geuben - Geuben
Oddw1re - Oddw1re
Smithy83 - smithy1983uk
Kelticdaz - Kelticdaz
uvmain - uvmain
GoRedwings19 - GoRedwings
n1kunj - n1kunj2
grudas - grudas
Frapple - Frapple
pmbuzz - PmBuZz
Artheas - Artheas
eekfek - eekfek
Rybo89 - CFC_Rybo89
Simoran1 - themanmoran
Mdixson - Mdixson
bakes0310 - bakes0310
Will_3rd - Will_3rd
billyboyd - billybod
phatboy - AstraBen82
Mancubus - tinywerz
Klo - Skinlo
Analog - Butcher321
Please try to keep the thread "On Topic", i.e for Burnout Paradise usernames only - Many Thanks.
For general discussion of Burnout Paradise, please see here:
To discuss arranging Multiplayer games, please see here:
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