Business Endpoint Protection

Sophos with intercept x via Sophos Central. Used it for years and relatively happy with it. I just push them on price at renewal.
Sophos with intercept x via Sophos Central. Used it for years and relatively happy with it. I just push them on price at renewal.

That's the logical choice for us but they aren't interested in anything less than 50 seats..... saying that we've got a trial currently running just to keep us ticking over until a decision is made.

Thanks for the replies :)
Defender ATP, but if your not already drinking from the MS coolaid its probably not worth it for stand alone. I've been mighty impressed with it so far though!. (coming from Sophos)
We use MS ATP now, replacing Symantec.

Heard good things about SentinelOne but not looked into it myself at all (not AV but endpoint protection).
Again, Sophos for 4+ years with no complaints - price is a concern and again I do push at renewal time

Will be better when we can update our UTM to the XG platform aswell - but still some features missing in XG which we need. Mainly the level of AD integration for browsing authentication etc
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