Business Savings Account?

30 Oct 2011
Hi All, Does anyone have any recommendations for a business savings account? I've never really bothered before but with interest rates and inflation rising I probably should! I use Starling for my current business account. Cheers!
Why would you need one?

A business account is for day to day movement of funds in the business, if you have money in the business that is left over/larger balance - why not take it out of the business/or reinvest into growing the business.

Also most business savings accounts tend to be 1 year/2 year fixed deals - you rarely will find anything with a decent rate and easy access.
It's because I'm dealing with rentals so will wait a year or so until I can afford a new one while I build up cash.

However I think you're right and it would make sense to take it back out and can loan it back when needed for buying!
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