business solution

2 Feb 2010
I need some help with servers. We have previously had SBS server running a virtual server 08 for remote desktop users. It was very badly configured so we suggest starting again…

The hardware is a TS200 with 8gb RAM. There is only 1 machine! We have SBS, server, win 7 licences and terminal licences. We have decided to go down the BPOS route after staff complaints. So we are going to get some BPOS with the online CRM

Person A locally
Person B local & remote
Person C remote
Person D remote
Person E in the future remote

It is probable that there will be 2 users at a time logged on

What is the best way to actually install things:

a) Server 08 with users terminal in?
b) Server 08 with some virtual windows 7 to remote into

What we NEED:
Shared calendars
Access to shared files and folders
MS Office

I am aware that there could be a problem with putting ADDS and remote together…

What services need to be installed?
Remote desktop?

I am going to try and do this myself if possible after the last attempt. Or can anyone suggest a company which is cheap/free cos we are a not for profit
I'm not sure i got you straight but from what i understand you have both an SBS and a 2008 Server license?

If so I'd just install 2008 on the box and run terminal services on it. Virtualising on a single box is counter intuitive, moreso if the host OS has other roles, as your hypervisor will consume resources while not really affording you most of the benefits of virtualisation.
Just a plain terminal server sounds fine for what you want to do.
What functions of BPOS / Office 365 are you going to be using?

If you use BPOS Exchange / SharePoint etc, what do remote users need to access in the office?
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