I need some help with servers. We have previously had SBS server running a virtual server 08 for remote desktop users. It was very badly configured so we suggest starting again…
The hardware is a TS200 with 8gb RAM. There is only 1 machine! We have SBS, server, win 7 licences and terminal licences. We have decided to go down the BPOS route after staff complaints. So we are going to get some BPOS with the online CRM
Person A locally
Person B local & remote
Person C remote
Person D remote
Person E in the future remote
It is probable that there will be 2 users at a time logged on
What is the best way to actually install things:
a) Server 08 with users terminal in?
b) Server 08 with some virtual windows 7 to remote into
What we NEED:
Shared calendars
Access to shared files and folders
MS Office
I am aware that there could be a problem with putting ADDS and remote together…
What services need to be installed?
Remote desktop?
I am going to try and do this myself if possible after the last attempt. Or can anyone suggest a company which is cheap/free cos we are a not for profit
The hardware is a TS200 with 8gb RAM. There is only 1 machine! We have SBS, server, win 7 licences and terminal licences. We have decided to go down the BPOS route after staff complaints. So we are going to get some BPOS with the online CRM
Person A locally
Person B local & remote
Person C remote
Person D remote
Person E in the future remote
It is probable that there will be 2 users at a time logged on
What is the best way to actually install things:
a) Server 08 with users terminal in?
b) Server 08 with some virtual windows 7 to remote into
What we NEED:
Shared calendars
Access to shared files and folders
MS Office
I am aware that there could be a problem with putting ADDS and remote together…
What services need to be installed?
Remote desktop?
I am going to try and do this myself if possible after the last attempt. Or can anyone suggest a company which is cheap/free cos we are a not for profit