Bust that belly and get fit for summer!

7 Mar 2005
The Voice Of Football
I have started to notice a number of posts in here asking ‘How do I lose my beer belly?’ and ‘How do I get in shape for summer?’ The answer?- A good diet, hard work in the gym and discipline. GordyR’s sticky is fantastic and I used plenty of the advice in there coupled with the other great posters we have in here so I thought it was only fair to contribute something back to the forum. This plan is an adaptation of something I have from Men’s Health magazine and other sources. It worked for me when I was starting out and should work for you if you are a beginner to training. It won’t make you look like Arnie or a Men’s Health cover model, but it will drop your bodyfat and make you look a lot leaner. If you are already in good shape then there are probably better routines for you. But this is a definite belly buster for those couch potatoes who want to lose the flab fast!

Let’s get things straight from the off. You are going to have to make some sacrifices to do this. The main one being beers. Yes, that’s right- no beer during this plan. But it only takes 4 weeks to complete. If you can’t manage 4 weeks with no beer then I suggest googling for Alcoholics Anonymous! You will have to get a good 8 hours rest at night, cut out fizzy drinks, chocolate and sweets. But it is worth it, believe me. This guide assumes you have read GordyR’s and understand basic terms such as reps, sets and form.

I will split it into three easy sections: Diet, Weight Training and Cardio.


You will be glad to hear that the diet isn’t a diet! It’s just a sensible eating plan. You are going to be working hard in the gym so you need to fuel that engine- an empty sack wont stand up! The diet doesn’t involve weighing things out, it just relys on you and your discipline.

You eat enough at each meal to feel full- not bloated and stuffed- just full.

Drink water all day every day. Aim for at least two litres of water a day- this helps your liver process fat and flush the toxins from your system.

You have a post workout shake in the plan and here are the ingredients:

200ml of skimmed milk
1 cup of Quaker Oats (unsweetened)
1 banana
1 tbsp of peanut butter

Mix all the above in a blender and whiz until smooth then drink down. Add some ice cubes as well if you wish to make it even tastier!

Eat the two snacks before lunch- aim to be eating about every 2-3 hours. Only take a handful of nuts or grapes etc not a whole bag to feel full. A snack is just a light nibble to keep your metabolism ticking over.

Ok so what can I eat? The key here is low fat, and getting your carbs in early coupled with a decent amount of protein. Here is a possible diet plan for the whole week:

You can mix and match the food throughout the week but do not skip meals! See, it isn’t a diet at all is it? Some of the food on there is delicious.


The weights plan works as follows:

Do 1 set of ten reps, rest 60 seconds. Repeat two more times so 3 sets in total.

Use the heaviest weight you can manage ten reps with Perfect Form on the first set. Decrease the weight if you have to for the other sets but perfect form is the key. No cheating now!

We split the weights plan into two workouts- A and B. Here are the exercises, look them up at http://www.exrx.net/Lists/Directory.html

Workout Plan A:

Bench Press
Cable Row
Leg Extension
Military Press
Bent-knee incline sit-up
Barbell Curl
Calf Raises

Workout Plan B:

Lateral Pulldowns
Lying Leg Curls
Leg Press
Lateral Raises
Back Extensions
Dumbell Shrugs
Reverse Crunches


Cardio is split into three workouts- steady state cardio, sprints and high-intensity interval training (HIIT). For the steady state cardio you should aim to be working at 70% of your maximum heart rate. To calculate your maximum heart rate as an unfit bloke, take your age from 220. I.e. 30yr olds max rate would be 220-30=190 so you would be looking to keep your heart rate at around 133 bpm. Steady state cardio can be anything- jogging, x-trainer, cycling etc.

HIIT training is the real fat burner though and the one you will feel the most! For HIIT, you warm up for 5 mins then do an interval at 85%-90% of your max rate. You then have an interval of rest at 60% of your max rate. This intense burst, rest period interval is repeated for the given amount of time followed by a five minute cool down period. HIIT can be done jogging, x-trainer, rowing etc.

Sprints are simply sprints for 10 seconds. Do them around your road or wherever you can run flat out for 10 seconds. Warm up and cool down on your sprints for 5 mins.

So here is the weights and cardio plan:

See, you can easily fit that into your week!

Final Words

Stick at it. I lost a load of bodyfat doing this when I first started at the gym a few years back. It isn’t a guaranteed quick fix- just a good introduction into going to the gym. It will get your body used to exercising again, bust the gut down that you had and make you a lot fitter than you were before you started the plan. Don't look at the scales- you should put some muscle on here so your weight will not fall dramatically. Use the mirror and a tape measure. You must do the exercise though! Eating like that with no exercise will make you even more of a bloater so move yourself down to the gym and get repping!

Best of luck should you choose to take it up! Feel free to ask questions and post further advice in here.
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a good beginner scheme to follow, tho i have a few reservations.

personally i would want to see more cardio being performed, but not HITT.
also would much prefer to see muscle groupings being worked together.
Morba said:
a good beginner scheme to follow, tho i have a few reservations.

personally i would want to see more cardio being performed, but not HITT.
also would much prefer to see muscle groupings being worked together.

I think too much cardio at that stage would end up losing too much muscle. The HIIT ensures you dont burn your hard earned muscle off.
Good work, obviously spent some time on it. A few things though.

PWO shake is a load of crap tbh especially on a diet. All you need is whey in water. Also too much fruit juice, too much sugar = lots of insulin which is not what you want. Have an apple instead, good fibre, low gi.

Also routine is poor, too much volume. A 3 day split is more ideal based around deadlift/squat/bench + military press limiting to 3-5 exercises + abs twice a week.

But other than that, very good.
After going on a decent jog for the first time in a while this morning my motivation is to be able to keep up with all the fit women who overtook me :D
shez said:
Good work, obviously spent some time on it. A few things though.

PWO shake is a load of crap tbh especially on a diet. All you need is whey in water. Also too much fruit juice, too much sugar = lots of insulin which is not what you want. Have an apple instead, good fibre, low gi.

Also routine is poor, too much volume. A 3 day split is more ideal based around deadlift/squat/bench + military press limiting to 3-5 exercises + abs twice a week.

But other than that, very good.
totally agree
Youstolemyname said:
I think too much cardio at that stage would end up losing too much muscle. The HIIT ensures you dont burn your hard earned muscle off.

i thought the idea was 'bust the belly and get fit' rather than get muscular..
I need to get back to the gym. My diet is pretty bad, but I think I'll definitely have to give up boozing. I tend to eat large and infrequently which I know is bad for my metabolism. I'll get my bike wheel fixed, cycle the 20-25 mins to the gym, work out, then cycle home after doing some project work. Might as well give it a try!
This is great I've actually just come back from the first run I've done in years and was just about to ask for some advice!!!

I really just want to cut down my fat more than anything and building up lots of muscle isn't important to me so is resistance training that important for me.

Is there anything I can use to check my heart rate and calories burnt while running that also has a stopwatch

I also most probably won't be going to the gym so everything will be done at home apart from the running so I suppose apart from the running i should be doing things like sit ups and press ups?
I bought a Nike watch a few years ago which has a heart monitor in it, you have to wear a band around your chest while you exercise. I'm exactly the same, started running again and doing pushups and situps at home.
Morba said:
i thought the idea was 'bust the belly and get fit' rather than get muscular..

It is. But muscles burn fat extremely efficiently. Doing lots and lots of cardio burns off muscle as well as fat, HIIT avoids the muscle burn but allows the fat burn. That's why it is recommended.

Mundu said:
I also most probably won't be going to the gym so everything will be done at home apart from the running so I suppose apart from the running i should be doing things like sit ups and press ups?

Try and follow the plan posted. It does work really well, I promise. Even if you have to spend 20 quid to get a weights set from a catalgoue shop it is worthwhile. Just doing cardio alone will make you into a skinny oik.
Youstolemyname said:
Try and follow the plan posted. It does work really well, I promise. Even if you have to spend 20 quid to get a weights set from a catalgoue shop it is worthwhile. Just doing cardio alone will make you into a skinny oik.

Would it be okay to lose the fat first then build the muscle or is that a bad idea?
Losing fat and building muscle can go hand in hand at first. As you become more and more acustomed to training you cant build muscle and drop fat.

At first it really is good to drop the fat as you start to notice a physique that you never had before. But make sure you don't do toooooo much cardio or you will become a twiglet. Thats why a maintenance weights routine is good. If you cannot get to the gym at all then look at some routines without weights. Although it sounds extremely gay, pilates has some great muscle workouts for someone who has given exercise a miss for a few years. Believe me, my first pilates class hurt more than a good session of deadlifts the day after. It was also full of hot chicks in lycra. :D

It is definately a good move to lose the bodyfat first before bulking as when you try to put muscle on you will gain bodyfat regardless. However, it is VERY difficult to just lose bodyfat without losing muscles so if you can, hit the weights too.
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Youstolemyname said:
As you become more and more acustomed to training you cant build muscle and drop fat.

actually you can, its something that i was going to post about soon as i will be doing just that. more soon!
How would you help someone who has an odd shift pattern and can't follow what you've posted?

I'm asking on behalf of Jhadur - he works something called the continental shift pattern which is essentially 5 shifts one week (a 2 and a 3) 2 shifts the next alternating nights and days, all shifts are 12 hours - if you need I can type it out properly so you can follow it.

Just following the 8 hours of sleep a night bit + a shift at work leave 4 hours for commuting (anything from 1-2 hours), eating, washing and relaxing etc

Any advice would be great :)
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