Butchers and Chemists

6 Apr 2022
Why is it whenever you go into one of these shops the staff always seem to move at a snails pace, even if you're the only one in the Chemist shop you're still stood there for a good 20mins while they faff about behind the counter.
Well I think the chemists are busy sorting other prescriptions aren’t they? Ones that have been sent by the surgery for collection etc? It’s not just people queuing :p
Well I think the chemists are busy sorting other prescriptions aren’t they? Ones that have been sent by the surgery for collection etc? It’s not just people queuing :p

The chemist (actual chemist, not assistant) in ours is always in the background sorting out the prescriptions as they come in, chasing bits up or if not visible he's usually in the side room with someone offering advice/doing things like poking them with large needles.

Having said that, I very rarely have to wait at my local chemist for more than a couple of minutes unless it's really busy as they're fairly well organised and most prescriptions are sent electronically (with the chemist recommending you do it a week in advance, and the GP saying to allow 3 working days), so the longest wait is usually the assistant finding the print out, confirming address and then looking for the prescription bag on the shelf (they note on the print out which cubby it's in).
I thought it was standard practice to hand your prescription in then come back 15 minutes later. While you’re waiting, go to the butchers, get your meat, back to the chemists, Roberts your fathers brother
"The Chemist shop"

What is this, 1967?

And yes, it's because telling you to take 20 ritalin would have a very different outcome to taking a course of penicillin.
with the chemist recommending you do it a week in advance
I'm on a repeat prescription and don't even get the reissue a week in advance it's like 4 days.

they expect to interrupt peoples treatment or what?

the last time I picked mine up the woman was moaning I only waited 2 days... probably going to move my nominated chemist elsewhere.

it's so hard to grab a pack of pills and put them in a paper bag
I'm on a repeat prescription and don't even get the reissue a week in advance it's like 4 days.

they expect to interrupt peoples treatment or what?

the last time I picked mine up the woman was moaning I only waited 2 days... probably going to move my nominated chemist elsewhere.

it's so hard to grab a pack of pills and put them in a paper bag

Such a naive post. On average a pharmacy dispenses 6,600 items per month, each of which involves far more than putting pills in a bag.
They do have other things to do behind the scenes rather than just serving customers but yeah I do think the pharmacy can be one of those businesses where they might have a sort of semi monopoly locally and so will just plod along even if there is a queue, no sense of urgency etc.. and when it's quiet they'll be having a natter, hear the bell ring when you enter the store but will carry on having a bit of a natter before one of them plods over to the counter.

These are often small businesses and they can kinda do what they want.

I thought it was standard practice to hand your prescription in then come back 15 minutes later. While you’re waiting, go to the butchers, get your meat, back to the chemists, Roberts your fathers brother

I use electronic prescriptions to (in theory) avoid this, though sometimes it still doesn't work.
I'm on a repeat prescription and don't even get the reissue a week in advance it's like 4 days.

they expect to interrupt peoples treatment or what?

the last time I picked mine up the woman was moaning I only waited 2 days... probably going to move my nominated chemist elsewhere.

it's so hard to grab a pack of pills and put them in a paper bag

They have to check it’s the correct pills etc and correct quantity before dispensing it. Then I imagine the labelling has to be checked also to ensure it’s correct.

I don’t mind waiting for these checks to be completed.

Butchers; give us that big lump there. Good man.
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