Buttkicker advice...

12 Jan 2004
More of a gaming issue, but was hoping someone who knew about amps could give me some insight.

Whilst i wait for the UK stock of the gamer 2 to arrive (mid-feb woot) I was wondering if there is anything i can do with whats left of my gamer 1 - I basically have this bit left -


Having chucked the amp after I left it somewhere it got very wet.

Anyone got any experience with those connectors and whether there is anything I can plug it into on a temporary basis - would that even work?

Im guessing not! Still, worth a shot.
The Buttkicker is just a speaker piston. So the plug isn't anything special. It's there as a convenience tool to make a neat and foolproof connection for anyone who can't be trusted to wire up speaker terminals correctly. You could quite easily cut off the plug and wire the cables directly to an amp.

This is good news! Cheers ill give that a go. just need to find an amp now and presumably some way to split off the audio. Gracias!
OK not setting my office on fire would be good! ill have a hunt round on the bay, see what it offers. Cool advice, cheers.

edit - having had a quick look, I dont think this is going to be worth spending dosh on. Ill end up splashing about 70 quid on something that may or may not work vs 150 in a couple of weeks for a new gamer 2. thanks for the advice anyhow, especially about the amp! cheers.
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