Buy RAM in Asus QVL or cheaper option (not in QVL)?

8 Dec 2012
Hi all,

What are people's opinion on using RAM that isn't listed on a motherboard's QVL (qualified vendor list)?

I have a few options for my RAM purchase for my new Ryzen build but I am concerned if I choose the wrong RAM that I will have issues getting it to run at the advertised timings and speed etc.

Plan on purchasing Asus ROG Crosshair Hero VII (x470), AMD 3700X with 16GB (2x 8GB) DDR4 3600MHz kit.

Their QVL is listing RAM which is ridiculously expensive right now compared to other options which aren't on the list.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts on this :)
So it doesn't matter if I choose a specific ram kit from the Asus QVL?

Yup, the Micron (Crucial Ballistix Elite BLE2K8G4D36BEEAK) kit is the one I was looking at. Or a G Skill RGB kit. Though I want to try to avoid RGB on RAM.
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