Buying a Bass Guitar.

20 Feb 2004
Blyth, Northumberland
I have a Stagg P300 at the moment:


The neck and head are quite heavy which makes for some awkward playing especially when standing. Has anyone used a bass guitar that's better balanced, a one that has a lighter neck and head?

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Evil-Penguin said:
Is the problem that you have to support the neck with your fretting hand when playing?

Yes, I had a nylon strap not so long ago that was terrible for sliding. I bought a leather one which is better but no matter how I adjust it the head insists on heading floorward :confused:

My budget's £500, I don't play anything in particular at the moment.
There's a pretty well-stocked shop at the Metro Centre with some Fender basses, I'll take a look and hold a few after my lesson on Saturday. I'm not looking for the best (or even the second best :p) at the moment but something that will last for a few years while I learn to play the instrument. I hope to be in a position both financially and ability wise to invest in a really good one in a few years, fingers crossed.
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