Buying a Dedicated Server/Selling Slots

6 Dec 2002
North East
My brother is about to spend £160 for 2 dedicated servers supporting a 160 slots each. He's planning on selling them to counterstrike people and reckons he can make a profit :confused:

Is he making a big mistake or can it be done? :o

Your help is appreciated before he squanders money...

BeatMaster :D
Depends on the specifications and internet connection - nobody will pay for a slow, laggy server.

And also he's got to somehow prove using his servers will be better than the free public ones which may be hard work.

Teamspeak may be a better way as cheap servers are in demand where as game servers aren't...

CPU Intel P4 Dual Core 3.2Ghz
Ram 2048MB (PC3200)
Disk 80GB (SATA2, 7200 RPM, 2MB Cache)
Bandwith Unlimited (100MB/S XFER)

Not sure if it'll be any good or what have you, I think he's making a mistake and squandering £160....when he'll learn I'll never know :o

BeatMaster :D
A system like that should be able to support a reasonable amount of players and servers running off it, but if he oversells and over fills the server, people will end up getting horrible loss/reg/pings in game, and therefore will take their money elsewhere, which I have done many times in the past.
Me and mate looked into it once, it looked like a lot of hard work for very little gain. We both decided working on minimum wage would give a better return per hour.
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