Buying a new system for mostly older games

16 Aug 2018
My old gaming desktop is the best part of 10 years old and is dying off bit by bit.

I have a newer laptop, which is good for most stuff, but would still like a desktop set-up in the home for a combination of games and ripping/burning CDs and DVDs...

(although I'm willing to be convinced it would be way better just to dock laptop with mouse, keyboard, monitor, etc if you think that's more sensible?)

... It's not the highest priority to play the newest games at the highest settings for me, or play online multiplayer with perfect FPS.

I'd like to be able to play older games very smoothly, play casually online a bit, and then anything cost effective on top of that, but ideally I'd like to keep cost right down.

What sort of spec should I be looking at for a cost-effective solution?

16 Aug 2018
I need to know if you are after a tower only or do you need an os disc or a monitor?

For the tower only to play older games we are looking at about £500-800 for the tower varing on what these older games are maybe you can tell us?


I have a good monitor/speaker set-up, etc.
I suspect I have a Windows 10 o/s disc here somewhere, so might be that I can get away with tower only unless major advantages to having new disc or preinstalled o/s
Majority of games I already own or have an eye on are probably 2010 or earlier (lapsed gamer) - crysis, Fallout3, Mass Effect 1-2.
I'd of course be happier to run newer games depending on the marginal cost (i.e. if I have to pay a few hundred £ more for a few more years' games running well I prrrrobably wouldn't, but if the difference is small, then I might?)
16 Aug 2018
Ok as you say you want to spend the least amount of money and those games i suppose you want to play those old games or high or max and new games on around about medium setting.

I got you on that one, you just want a more beefy system.

Going to do another build.

Edit - aiming for around about 500 quid.

Yes, that sounds pretty much bang on to me re: settings.
Yes, somewhat more beefy and much more not slowly disintegrating :D

16 Aug 2018
Thanks again - quick follow-up Q; buying and assembling as components would be new to me - I'm by no means cack-handed and can follow instructions/youtube videos, but how challenging is that likely to be, do you think?

Much appreciated!
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