Buying a second hand lens

13 May 2010
I've been looking lately at the Sigma 70-200 f2.8 but have seen a Canon 70-200 f4 L for £450...£150 less than the Sigma, albeit a stop slower....

Question is... Would/Have you bought a lens second hand, either private or from a Store, and your opinion on this and experiences...

Should I just buy new or is second hand the way to go?
If it's been looked after and not abused, I see no reason why you wouldn't buy a lens second hand.

Take your camera along and try it to be sure you're happy before you buy.

That said, £450 doesn't sound that cheap for a second hand 70-200 f/4 L when you can get one new for £489.
Should have said, comes with a tripod collar which is usually over £100, gave read really bad reviews on the 3rd party ones...

Seeing as the Sigma needs stopping down to f4 for full sharpness, thought I may as well go for an L...
The Canon is pin sharp and a great lens but for the price I'd stretch to a new one even if this has the tripod collar. You really don't need them for the f4 70-200 as it doesn't weigh much.
I've had around 15 lenses over the years and I think I only bought maybe 3 of them as new. All the ones I currently have were purchased second hand and were in almost perfect condition but on average 75% the price of a new one.
I've bought lots of lenses from people I know and/or from shops - I prefer to deal with someone that offers a warranty on second hand lenses and may dealers out there do. You may pay a little more for the dealer, but in my view, it is worth it. I recommend ffordes and collectablecameras, both of which have proved very reliable for me in the past.
You can usually pick the 70-200L for around £350 used. There are always some for sale over on the Talk Photography classifieds
You can usually pick the 70-200L for around £350 used. There are always some for sale over on the Talk Photography classifieds
Agreed, they regularly appear and some have gone for silly money considering they are in new condition. Certainly not worth parting with £450 for what you've seen as you can pick up a brand new one from HDEW for the same money. And if needed a collar for one they are only £10 max from fleabay.
90% of my camera gear is second hand including my 5D mkii all purchased without issue from various forums classifieds sections. I can't see the point buying new for amateur use given the cheap availability of second hand gear.
About 2/3rds of my lenses are second hand, always purchased form a camera shop.
Never buy a second hand lens that you can't have a good play and test with. Some people don't even realize that their lens id defective when they put it up to sell, and then you have all the scammers of course that mis-sell.

You need to thoroughly check the mount for wear and tear, that the rear element is pristine, there is no fungus or dust on the inside, the autofocus is smooth and silent, as is the VR. Checks the lens is well centered and doesn't have too severe front or back focus. Also check the filter thead is not damaged, common when people don't use a lens hood and drop the camera. Any of these things costs big money to put right.

The physical condition of the lens is not that important beyond showing whether the lens was well used or not, and the thing is some people use their lenses extensively but look after them and get them serviced. Other people rarely use a lens, drop it once which screws up the AF and they don't even realize. So it is a big like a car, something that is well maintained but cosmetically poor can be a better buy than a good exterior condition car that never had an oil change let alone regular service.

The front element is also less important but is worth checking it is not cracked, small chips and flaked off coatings has minimal affect, although can be used to talk down the price.
Digital Rev is good for bodies
Mtb Photographic is good for used gear
A friend /forum member is also good

I have used all 3

My OS was broken on my 120-300mm sigma 2.8 from Mtb
It took me ages to diagnose until someone on here gave the answer
Without their good afterservice I dunno what I would have done
It was fixed by sigma for free no quibbling
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