Buying an iPhone abroad

Wouldn't be worthwhile tbh. you'd need to get it without a contract, and that will cost a fortune, then you would likely need to unlock it when you got home (don't even know if you can do this on the GS yet)

So i wouldn't bother.
Wouldn't be worthwhile tbh. you'd need to get it without a contract, and that will cost a fortune, then you would likely need to unlock it when you got home (don't even know if you can do this on the GS yet)

So i wouldn't bother.

Cheers. Was thinking about getting one here without a contract so if the costs comparable to here then it may be worth it. You can reclaim the 15% tax on leaving Mexico so it could work out cheaper if you were able to buy one without a contract.
I was also thinking about this as I am going to Florida in a few of weeks, but I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere that you cannot buy the iPhone in the States without a contract, though I'm not sure about Mexico.

If I can't get hold of an iPhone, I'm crossing my fingers that the next gen ipod touch will be released and I'll get one of those instead.
I think there's something just as significant as the price that you should consider i.e warranty.

If you buy it abroad Apple is unlikely to service it for you in the UK. Best not get yourself into that sorta hassle.
Cheers. Was thinking about getting one here without a contract so if the costs comparable to here then it may be worth it. You can reclaim the 15% tax on leaving Mexico so it could work out cheaper if you were able to buy one without a contract.
The warranty point raised above is a good one (though it could be a worldwide warranty - but if you need to jailbreak/unlock that won't do you any favours with Apple).

Apart from that, worth bearing in mind that you should really pay import tax if you buy something of an iPhone's value overseas and bring it back, as far as I'm aware. People often don't, but if you are then going to claim back the 15% tax I can imagine you'll get stung for the import duty as well...
I was also thinking about this as I am going to Florida in a few of weeks, but I'm pretty sure that I read somewhere that you cannot buy the iPhone in the States without a contract, though I'm not sure about Mexico.

When you try and buy one from an Apple shop in Florida at least, you have to give an address and some other details for the contract there and then (lol tried and tested last year with the 3G)
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