Buying Second hand on eBay?

1 Oct 2008
Designing Buildings
Afternoon all,

With my recent purchase of new cartridge / stylii for my turntables I've been looking at upgrading my stereo (currently using an old aiwa midi system). Now I've found a place on eBay which looks like a decent enough seller

Anyone had any experience with buying stereo stuff from ebay? I've obviously looked for guys with good feedback and a number of sales so that I'm keeping myself right.

Had a look at the usual brands, Technics / Cambridge Audio and Denon on that guys site. Any recommendations?

Cheers :)
I think i just need to do a little bit of research into what i want really and see who's selling what and in what condition. Just looking for something which i relatively cheap but good quality.
Cheers for that Lucid,

I'm still looking into a few reviews to see whats going to be the best bang for bucks on the amp front. As for the speakers I've got Tannoy V4i's connected to my tv so would be avoiding the mainstream japanese stuff in general, just got to look into what set I'm wanting.

Raymond, you shouldn't have mentioned the amp you've got.....I took a look at some of the stuff on ebay and its beautiful! :( and slightly more than I'm looking to spend at the moment. Maybe in the future though.
I forgot about cash converters as well. At least they've got set prices albeit may be higher than eBay. Just refining my options just now amp wise. Still to look at speakers properly.
Been rummaging around this evening and found the following :-

Tannoy Mercury M2 speakers (£50)
Cambridge Audio Azur 650A Amplifier (£130)

Any thoughts on the quality of these items?
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Spotted an old Rotel RA-611 amplifier from the 70s on ebay, identical to one my dad used to have. Sadly been outbid as its a beautiful bit of kit and i know it produces fantastic sound quality :(
was going to say something similar both will blow your Aiwa midi system to bits, my first seperates kit was a Sherwood receiver and Wharfdale diamond 7.1's from richer sounds paired with a portable CD player it was by far the best stereo in my house and a million times better than the midrange midi system it replaced!

Yeah, I know that separates are the way to go for improved sound quality over a crappy midi system from the 90s! :D

Just narrowing down a few that I've seen across the Cambridge Audio / Marantz and Harman Kardon ranges.
I've bookmarked a pair of Acoustic Energy 101 Speakers which seem to fit the bill. Read a few reviews and things look positive on that front.
Looks like I'll be opting for the acoustic energy speakers above and seen a marantz pm 6005 amp which will be getting ordered tomorrow so they arrive at my work next week :)
Must be good, everything sounds superb! :p

Does his subtle advertising of his products give that impression? I never noticed :p

When buying anything second hand, find out if the seller smokes. If they do, the speakers will stink.

Yeah, I'm actually looking more on Cash Converters now rather than Ebay. I can ask them that though as its the last thing I'd want.
Received a big black package today :eek:




Going to hook up a turntable and my tv speakers to it later on and see what its like. Now to decide on what speakers I'll be ordering :D
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