Buying son 1st "proper" bike - some advice please

20 Aug 2006
Buying my son his first proper bike (he will be 11).

The junior Boardman range seem good value/quality compromise, but I'm stuck on whether to get him a Hybrid Sport or MTB.

Usage will be mixed, some riding to school, some on road, some off-road stuff - is the front suspension really needed for off-road stuff ? But if I went for the MTB - would that much too much of a compromise for on road.

All my mountain bikes I have owned in past had no suspension.

I'm siding on the hybrid atm - but just wondered if anyone thought that was a duff decision - so open to any opinions please. I've personally not been into biking for years - so no clue really.

Both bikes are sub £300 - very little difference in price between the two.

Any advice much appreciated

Wouldnt bother with suspension at that price point, the fork will be super basic. Unless you are going on really rough stuff its not really needed.

My MTB isn't bad on the road but I can lock out the front suspension which helps a lot.
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