Buying window 11

10 Jan 2007
Hi all,

So back many years ago when I purchased windows 10, I was able to buy it a USB 3 stick, and was like the best thing since sliced bread, with the super fast install time. I have looked on but can not tell if it is supplied on usb or disk? Who still has a disk drive in their pc lol
Hi all,

So back many years ago when I purchased windows 10, I was able to buy it a USB 3 stick, and was like the best thing since sliced bread, with the super fast install time. I have looked on but can not tell if it is supplied on usb or disk? Who still has a disk drive in their pc lol
Looking at this its a DVD as it says "Microsoft Windows 11 Home 64-Bit DVD - OEM (KW9-00632)" - Home OEM Version

Same with this "Microsoft Windows 11 Pro 64-Bit DVD - OEM (FQC-10528)" Pro OEM Version.

I cannot see a retail copy on there though.

Strange that they are DVDs rather than USB sticks as I would have thought this would be vastly better

Other option is to give them a call and ask for confirmation.

You could still buy either of the versions above and just use your own USB stick. You can download the ISO from Microsoft and then just use the supplied key from either of the 2 links above.

link here to download the ISO -
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I was surprised to see no usb version, still think we are in the 1990's
Why are you paying stupid prices for a £5 retail key available off any website everyone uses for games/windows/xbox/psn keys? Then simply create a USB installer with Rufus, which has the bonus option of removing the telemetry etc

Windows keys are way more dodgy the game keys, would sooner stick with an authentic key for windows
Windows keys are way more dodgy the game keys, would sooner stick with an authentic key for windows
Haha if you say so, if you're buying a retail key from a retailer it isn't on you to prove it's legit if it activates, the same can be said for a game/OS/XBL/PSN points!

If it authenticates and activates on a vanilla install, then what is the issue for a fiver for a retail key vs £110+? The onus is on the supplier not me? I have done my bit and paid a 20+ year old supplier for a key? If it works on a legit clean install of Windows, then I've done nothing wrong?

It's not like you're installing a cracked version of the OS is it, it's a serial number you type into a legit install directly downloaded from Microsoft?

You're not going to get a virus from a serial number :cry: :rolleyes:
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I'm sure plenty of people would rather buy a legit key on usb. It's really odd not to offer that option.
Everyone on here and elsewhere buys a key for a fiver, no-one in their right mind would give scum like Microsoft money. If it wasn't for businesses requiring the use of their software, everyone would use macos or linux.
The only reason most people stick with it for gaming is because some games aren't supported under Proton... Yet.
dvd's cost pence to produce, and are reliable versus usb distribution ?

Everyone on here and elsewhere buys a key for a fiver, no-one in their right mind would give scum like Microsoft money
not sure what the status is on w11 to block updates ... but I'd pay money to prevent that liability, needed an enterprise license I believe.

Newly looking to upgrade from W7(after reverting) - since seems insurmountable mechanism preventing software/app updates 'entry point DiscardVirtualMemory not found in DLL KERNEL32.dll'
is becoming prevalent .
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Sorry what, install some random software that could potentially have a backdoor/keylogger/christ knows what going on, into a clean fresh legit install... Nope.

There is nothing 'better' about giving scummy Microsoft any money, ever. Hence why 99% of everyone on this forum just buys a retail key from the same retailers they all brag about getting their games cheap from... I never said they were specifically stolen, but I don't believe any of these 'retailers' are getting them 'cheaper from elsewhere' like everyone claims on here. It is what it is.

What exact 'worry' would you have once a key is activated and working exactly? Bill turning up at your house with the FBI? I think not :rolleyes::cry:
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What forum rules? I don't spend my life reading every thread on here in the last 20 years sorry.

Why would I bother messing around going through source code when I can just put a key in like everyone else on this forum recommends?

Prove that the key's we buy for games/windows aren't legal... You can't!

We all buy them and use them, it's not up to me to go all detective on a website that's been doing it over 20 years and not been shut down, IF anyone was going to get done, it'd be them conning customers advertising them as legit, not me the buyer...

Hence why everyone uses them and the same for XBL/PSN/Games, hell there's even a thread on here which is 12 years old and still updated, which recommends key suppliers to use in the PC Games section, so calm down mate:cry:

IF it was a problem this thread wouldn't have existed 12 years and still be going strong.

You're the only person that's ever backed Microsoft on here, that's for sure! Let alone cared about them getting richer.
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What forum rules? I don't spend my life reading every thread on here in the last 20 years sorry.

Why would I bother messing around going through source code when I can just put a key in like everyone else on this forum recommends?

Prove that the key's we buy for games/windows aren't legal... We all buy them and use them, it's not up to me to go all detective on a website that's been doing it over 20 years and not been shut down, IF anyone was going to get done, it'd be them conning customers advertising them as legit, not me the buyer... Hence why everyone uses them and the same for XBL/PSN/Games, hell there's even a thread on which suppliers to use in the PC Games section, so calm down :cry:
Calm down? You're really due a whoosh parrot aren't you? Have a good one.
Calm down? You're really due a whoosh parrot aren't you? Have a good one.
I like how you missed this part though, selective replies much?
We all buy them and use them, it's not up to me to go all detective on a website that's been doing it over 20 years and not been shut down, IF anyone was going to get done, it'd be them conning customers advertising them as legit, not me the buyer...

Hence why everyone uses them and the same for XBL/PSN/Games, hell there's even a thread on here which is 12 years old and still updated, which recommends key suppliers to use in the PC Games section, so calm down mate:cry:

IF it was a problem this thread wouldn't have existed 12 years and still be going strong.
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No do go on, you were mentioning rules and claiming you knew everything was illegal/stolen keys... Prove it then...

Yet there's a thread for guidance on the best sites to get these keys from on this very forum that's 12 years old and still being used?

So I don't see the problem?
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Given that OcUK Sell Windows licenses (on DVD or otherwise), the only valid answers on this forum are buy from OcUK or buy direct from Microsoft.
No do go on, you were mentioning rules and claiming you knew everything was illegal/stolen keys... Prove it then...

Yet there's a thread for guidance on the best sites to get these keys from on this very forum that's 12 years old and still being used?

So I don't see the problem?
Mate I don't know if you're lacking in coffee or just something else, but like I said never mind.
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