Buying WOW Gold.....and buying power levelling

5 Jul 2006

Im considering buying 1000 gold pieces for £17, also im thinking of buying one of these power levelling services to get my character through the current boring phase of 10-30, ive priced it out at £50. Have any of you guys ever done this?
i know LOADS of people that are doing it, Blizzard seem unable to identify and punish these peeps.

as for my experience, im about a few weeks into playing as a hunter, i think ive pretty much got the hang of him and using my pet, i seem to go through most quests without any hassle. Just takes SO LONG to level up. :(
im starting to find it a major grind now actually. Maybe they shouldnt of made the levelling process so slow, i understand they want longetivity, but months and months to reach the end of the game is just silly.
ok i wont power level? :p

but im seriously considering buying some gold, it would really help me get some early cool stuff that may help me lvl quicker.
lol, didnt think a harmless question would turn into such a heated topic for some.

Using you guyz advice ive started up a new game on one of the new Kilrogg PvE EU servers as an Orc Warrior. I played it for about 3 hours tonight and im closing in on level 9 with over 10 silver. Im spending a lot more time going on beast killing rather than straight to quests, im seeing myself zoom up levels though.

So far though the people on this server dont seem to like to team up and arent very friendly, meaning some of the harder quests i have i will have to lvl up loads before attempting :(
jeez, a harmless question and i get some right attitude. :rolleyes:

im new to MMORPG and i dont know head or tails on this topic, i was curiously asking what its all about.

In the future..........ill keep my mouth shut :mad:
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