Bye Bye 20D

18 Oct 2002
Well i had a few stubborn spots on my sensor, cleaned it before a few times all went well with the pads and eclipse fluid.

This time was different, one wouldnt budge, so i tried harder and harder, a few wipes later the coating on the sensor, not sure if theres a protective strip in front of it or not started to come away.

So now its on its way to canon for a repair and general check up, not sure how much its going to cost, but they said an estimate would be free, so its not all bad.

Ive also asked how much a new shutter would be as ive had it nearly 2 yrs.

I will await there estimate, hope its not to bad.
Cuchulain said:
I'm sure there's a low pass filter in front of the sensor, I'm guessing if it's glued on somehow that the eclipse fluid might somehow have dissolved whatever it's bonded on with. My sensor is covered in spots after taking it out to the beach yesterday so I'm dreading cleaning it :(

Yes its a low pass filter, shouldnt be to much money then, (yer right!)
Fstop11 said:
The price of the low pass filter might well be worth pennies but the cost of labour to take it apart, fix and reassemble it is where the price is gonna be seriously expensive.. Not to mention a new shutter. Time for a 30D me thinks.

You never know, they may surprise me, im hoping £150 ish.
Fstop11 said:
Too many Negative waves. Have you phoned them up to ask for an estimate?

Sure did, they couldnt say until they saw it, free estimate is good though, places normally charge for that.
cyKey said:
My 10D shutter repair cost £200. That was for the new shutter and time to do it. Not tooooo bad but I figured its cheaper in the long run to get a 30D, which I did.

Im thinking anything over £200 and i may get a 400D till the 40D comes out, quite like the features of the 400D.

Right, the estimate is, £378 for a new sensor and a shutter release button( that was faulty to)

Not sure why it needs a new sensor, if the bit in front of it is a uv type filter.

Dont really know what to do, at the moment i have no camera, so i pay £378 , get some use out of it, then sell it later, and get my £378 back.
Ive just gone for a 400D with kit lens for £500, heard some good reports about it, main complaint is the size of it.

I know its not a 20d or 30d, but il give it a try , if i dont like it i will sell.

The kit lens gets £50 on ebay, that will be sold.
They did say , if i didnt want it repaired they would send it back free of charge, which was nice of them, i have 40 days to consider,lol
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danza said:
Take it back as is and flog it on t'bay as damaged, for a little more than the camera would be worth fully functional minus the cost to have it repaired. ~£200-£250 ish.

Someone will have it. :D

Cant risk my perfect 650+ positives ;)
Psilonaught said:
i just sold my 350D and am undecided whether to go for the refurb 30D off the canon refurb site for 600-620 or a 400D which are about 475 body only.

Aside from the size and ease of use (i'm used to it from the 350D) I am reading some really very good end user reviews on various forums about the 400D.

yes ive watched a few of the canon refurbs.

ive seen a body only 30d go for £610,and a 30d and kit lens for £631,not that bad really. But thought id give the 400d a try, i may like it.
Just got the estimate through in the post today , makes intresting reading.

20D new sensor and Shutter release button

i damaged my sensor cleaning it,last month. So sent it to canon Regional incompetance center, also the shutter release button was dodgy.
Sent it to canon for repair, waited a week before contacting them.

Asked how much the estimate was, asked them to send me a written estimate, which they should do anyway. 1 month went by and nothing, after several phone calls.
Today i got 2 estimates, 1 month after.

The cost of a new cmos £135+vat
The cost of a new shutter button £170.83+vat !

So £378 for a repair, i expected a bill of around £200, but i cant justify spending £378 on a camera that can be got new for £600.
Im very disapointed in Canon.

Another thing if you dont have the work done, they send it you back free of charge, but if you do have it done they charge you £16, doesnt make sense.
Hmmm, had a 20D delivered today from the canon outlet, paid £477, although i saw one go for £421 ish, 2 days ago :rolleyes:

So now i have a 400d, a 20d and another 20d that canon want £388 to fix.

I was warming to the 400D as well, but after getting my grips on a 20D again, i like that to much.
danza said:

Just bought myself a 20D from some nice chap on FredMiranda. Low mileage for £400 all in :)

Now I have to shift my D100!

Yes they are nice cameras which can be got cheaply now, i bought a 100-400is from a guy on there a while back, 3yr mack warranty , came to £650 ish all in .
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