What type is it you're trying to declare an array of?
The problem could well be that in C, a multidimensional array is always a contiguous (i.e. unbroken) block of memory. So you need a contiguous block of memory that can store 9953280 of your type in a row. If, for instance, it was a 32-bit integer, you'd need 39813120 bytes or 38 megabytes.
It may be that at compile time this is okay, but at run time your operating system can't allocate that kind of memory. When you allocate an array, you've basically got a pointer to the first element, and if the operating system can't allocate that memory, it might return the null pointer. When you try to access the array, you're dereferencing the null pointer which will cause the program to crash.
So with your really big array you end up with 3393757440 elements, which would be 12946 megabytes, or about 12 gigabytes of contiguous memory with the integer type. You're going to struggle however you choose to represent that.
Now's probably the right time to start thinking about what it is you're trying to achieve, and whether an array is the right way to go about it. Is it possible for you to give some idea of what you're trying to do?