C++/3d max/vb

20 Oct 2002
North West
Hi there,

I need a good book relating to each of those topics. I need the book to detail the basics (from start to finish basically) and to move on to more advanced stuff. None of my lecturers are replying to my e-mail atm, so I thought I'd ask here.
For C++ -

I've heard a lot of beginners using Sams Teach Yourself C++ in 21 Days 5th edition with good success.

Max -

Messiah Khan would prob be the best to ask, I have been dabling with max recently, the following site has great beginner videos -


For a book I was going to get Autodesks offical one 3ds Max 8 Essentials

Vb -

No idea :)
Robert said:
Hi there,

I need a good book relating to each of those topics. I need the book to detail the basics (from start to finish basically) and to move on to more advanced stuff. None of my lecturers are replying to my e-mail atm, so I thought I'd ask here.

Can't help you with C++ or vb, but for 3D studio max, the ones I mainly use are; 3D Studio Max 6 Bible ISBN 0-7645-5763-7 (Obviously try and get the one for the version that you use, although even the older ones, such as V6 will cover 95% of what you need), Stop Staring by Jason Osipa ISBN 0-7821-4129-3 (Extremely good for facial character animation and modelling) and Deconstructing the elements with 3DS max 6 by Pete Draper ISBN 0-240-51954-x The other place thats good for tutorials, help and inspiration is www.3Dtotal.com Also don't forget the tutorials and help built in to max itself, as IMO max has the best help guide of any program I have come across.
Messiah- which book would you recommend for a beginner? Baring in mind that this will help me through my final year project :D (+we have a module on it).
The bible is almost essential IMO. Its a massive 1200 page book that covers just about everything. Then I would start trying out some of the tutorials on 3dtotal. If you get stuck on anything, the forum over there are great, or ask myself or other people here on ocuk. For the complete basics you could also have a look at http://www.3dfoundation.com/ which is the site of my old lecturer. Specifically look at "5.3 Basic Modeling Tutorial" and "6.3 Basic Texturing Tutorial" under the 3dstudio max guide section.
For C++ get Dietel and Dietel: How to Program C++. It is by far and away the best c++ there is. It contains loads of examples which will take you months to work through them all. These learn programming in 21 days books are useless.

http://www.norvig.com/21-days.html :p
Well the guys at gamedev who are running c++ tutorials for beginners reviewed over a dozen books and chose the one I mentioned as the book they wanted beginners to use, so maybe get both :D
I've found the C++ bible, is it any good? I *need* to go from the basics. I've never programmed C++ and my VB ability is basic at best (this is what I'm trying to change). I'm too lazy, hence buying some good books will help, plus they are expensive so I'll want to get the most out of them.
Well VB is a waste of time, don't bother. No idea about the C++ bible, sounds more like a reference book though?
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