C&C Generals - Online Battle Tips

14 Jul 2004
Melbourne , Oz.
Evening folks!

Ive arranged some games against my mate from work on Generals tonight and I so need to beat him.

Ive been playing it for ages but Im so rubbish online Im embarrased to play it.
Ive only played a few times online and been humiliated everytime.

So , any tips (hes an online noob too)

Cheers in advance :)
Technique? Depends which nation you choose. :D

But anyway... what's different about Generals to RA2 is that you can just build loads of units in the older versions and just mass attack a base - the defence will just be rendered useless and it'll finish...

But in Generals - you need to keep on building units - don't stop building tanks/rocket infantry. Keep building and constantly attack the enemy, wave after wave and don't give him a chance to settle. Obviously pair this tactic up with good resource gathering and take all the oil rigs! :p

Hope that works - worked for me. :p
In theory yes, the GLA can build large forces quickly and cheaper. However their units arent as powerful. You'll need to micro-manage your battles well for them to work. Dont be put off the GLA though.
Some very general advice: make sure you set the pace. Dont let the game turn into your reacting to his actions. Mould the game from the outset by, as kbc suggested; attacking asap and not relenting.
Are you guys playing Zero Hour or the original?

Any way check out this program here: http://www.hamachi.cc/download

It creates a VPN tunnel between your PC and other peoples PC; meaning they appear on a new local network. In that way; when selecting multiplayer in the generals screen, you can select LAN rather than internet. Not only bypassing the log in, finding the right lobby and passing your game so its private; but it also seems to improve performance.

Its very easy to use but here are some brief instructions:

1) Both DL the software
2) Install it. Run through the brief tutorial that pops up when you first install it. It explains things more concisely than I could hope to.
3) One of you will need to set up a network. Pressing the left alligned button, on the bottom right hand side (are you with me? :p ); select "Create New Network".
4) Set it up (very easy, needs a name and password).
5) Share the name and pass to your friend.
6) In the generals options screen; check that the lan IP address is set to the one created for the VPN.

Voila; network play possible with afformentioned benefits. Probably works in other games too. Excellant piece of software.
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Biggest tip I have ever been given is to not bother with base defences, especially with GLA.

You save power, and also have more units to attack with should the situation require it.

It works well
Mass tanks and attack, it's a very straightforward game where simple numbers and the guy with the most money always wins.
Attack the harvesters always goes down well. Don't bother with superweapons unless he has loads and loads of base defenses, with the money and time saved, build loads of tanks.

I like to be America. Build an airbase early as after about half an hour air units are rendered pretty useless against most careful opponents. Use commanches well early on.
Later on, fill humvees with rocket troopers and snipers, and send with paladins. Works well when it does work. Obviously every game's different, there are no overall 'good' tactics. It takes practise. :)
Kreeeee said:
Mass tanks and attack, it's a very straightforward game where simple numbers and the guy with the most money always wins.

lol go away fanboi ;)

if ** just playing generals then its pretty simple, if ** playing zero hour then u will have to give us a lot more information on which general u and he like to play as... in zero hour despite what some people who still live in the dark ages of rts games might think there are multiple strategies for each general and while a simple tank rush with the tank general might beat a computer player online is a whole different story
He plays as China and he murdered me last night.

His strategy is always the same.
Hits as many supply points as he can , puts up 2 x bunkers and 2 x gattling cannons at the front of his base.
Sneaks black lotus into the back of my base to steal my buildings then finishes me off with 4 overlord tanks.
Vandle said:
He plays as China and he murdered me last night.

His strategy is always the same.
Hits as many supply points as he can , puts up 2 x bunkers and 2 x gattling cannons at the front of his base.
Sneaks black lotus into the back of my base to steal my buildings then finishes me off with 4 overlord tanks.
Repetitive strategies are the easiest to beat.

Edit: I only ever play RTS games multiplayer.
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and urself ?

china's defence are very good against tanks so dont attack head on.... either hit him with some artilery or some planes (the planes will die but should do their job first)

... put lots of anti stealth or if u cant afford it just anti infantry units around ** base to take care of black lotus (she is evil as hell but dies pretty quick once found)

overlord tanks are weak against planes so have lots of them, they are also very expensive so take out his money when u get a chance and he will be in trouble

if ** looking for more opponents get me on msn or xfire and ill give u a game :)
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