C&C on Building photo's

25 Nov 2006
Ipswich, Suffolk
Hi, as a lot of you may know I'm very new to photography. I understand the rule of thirds and I'm now starting to get to grips with aperture etc.

Anyway, I've found it quite tricky sticking to the rule of thirds when photographing buildings. I would appreciate some comments on the two photo's below.

Both have only had the contrast increased a little, other than that I haven't altered them other than adding the border.

Thanks in advance.

#1 Title: "A place to stay"


#2 Title "Angles"

ChroniC said:
Some things are just not photogenic, people, objects and corners of buildings. You just need to find a better subject.
Will have to disagree with you on that one, but that's what makes life and photography so interesting and challenging.

Nicos Rex said:
1) Don't like this one at all. I am sure that the building looked very nice, but the falling over backwards effect of the converging verticals really does it no favours. The trouble with many shots of this sort is that intellectually we all know that you are looking up at a building but our eyes see a building leaning away at an alarming angle! Not sure what to suggest to improve this. Perhaps you would have been better off concentrating on a detail to suggest the whole rather than trying to get it all in.
I do see what you mean and this is the kind of tip I was after. Unfortunately I couldn't move any further back otherwise I would have been in 20 feet of water! I will, however, take your comments on board for the next time.

Nicos Rex said:
2) Although the building itself is not as attractive, I rather like the slightly claustrophobic way that the sky is framed. This also gives enough impression of looking up that the converging verticals are not so alarming. There are also enough textures on the buildng to make it interesting.
Thankyou...I think! I agree though, it is a pretty dull building (a typical development of flats) and I tried to make it as interesting as possible!
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Gungnir said:
It's difficult to get a good face on shot of The Salthouse unless you're on a boat in the harbour. With the walkway being so narrow you can't get far enough back to avoid the distortion.

Thankyou Gungir, at least it explains the reason for the perspective! Mind you, I guess I could have gone round the other side of the water by the Last Anchor and got a shot from there!
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