C&C problem

27 Mar 2004
I'm playing through the original C&C (and later Tiberian Sun) if only because I never completed either game and felt that maybe I was missing something :)

Now I decided to start with the GDI side of things and I get to a level early on where I have to take a commando to a NOD base and destroy a building - only the transmission screws up and you don't actually know what your target is.

My game crashes as soon as any of my units heads in the very top section of the map. If you imagine that units move into 'squares', basically the top three or four rows make the game crash if any of my units go there, which doesn't matter for this level with the commando, for I can simply enter the base and destroy any building and the level is over.

I get to the next level in which the Colonel tells me the airfield was the actual target and that I need to go back in there and level the base entirely. Fair enough, back onto the same map. I build a base, only to find that the next tiberium field is directly in the top of the map, and sending my harvester there... crashes the game.

Is there a fix for this problem, or am I doomed to never play the end of this? For without the tiberium at the top, I'm out of cash and I can only make about 20 riflemen. I don't even have the cash for a weapons factory :/
Vicious said:
i may be talking crap here, but i thought it wasnt physically possible to enter those top 3 or 4 rows?

It damn well better be, there is tiberium and in a another case, buildings there! I think my game is screwed :(

So much for the first decade pack...
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