C&C Renegade: A Pleasant Suprise

Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
At the time of release, I decided to give Renegade a miss, as it had pretty mediocre reviews. However having picked up the First Decade C&C pack, I've now been able to give it a whirl. As it's now 4 years old, I wasn't expecting much but as it turns out, it's quite a good game:

-Wide variety of environments, with towns, bases, caverns, deserts, islands etc... some of the levels are pretty big, too.
-Fast paced gameplay with new secondary/tertiary objectives appearing all the time. Helps to keep the game flowing
-Great array of weaponry. Some of the guns are a bit samey and it lacks a shotgun type gun, but overall, I haven't played many games with such a nice selection
-Reasonable storyline which ties in the with the C&C universe, and some high class cutscenes as one would expect from Westwood
-Excellent performance at 1600x1200 4xAA 16xAF max details. The graphics still look half decent in places too.
-Good balance and scaling of difficulty - the early missions are quite straightforward, but as you progress through the game, things get steadily more difficult.

On the downside, the scripting obviously hasn't been properly tested as I came across quite a few bugs, particularly in tutorial level. If you do something like go back and talk to the wrong person, or tackle something out of the 'correct' order, you have to repeat entire sections of training again. There's other occasions in the game itself where if you don't follow the objectives in order sometimes it 'resets' them or gets a bit confused. Furthermore one mission where you have to meet up with members of your old team, its a bit stupid because you actually have to talk to them. I had to go back to an old savegame, because I rescued a colleague, then ran off onto my next task, only to find they get automatically killed (time limit or something) because I hadn't triggered the end of that objective by physically pressing the 'use' key next to them. Sigh.

Overall I think Renegade ticks most of the boxes required for a high quality FPS - it falls short in a few areas but I've played a lot of inferior games. With enhanced graphics (textures/lighting mainly) and AI, it would be a top notch game.

Currently I'm inside the Temple of Nod which I believe is near the end of the game - absolute chaos with large number of tricky opponents to overcome. Gonna be tough to get through, especially with my staple bullet/laser weapons being very low on ammo, but I should have enough in my backup arsenal to take care of business given enough quicksaves :)
Like kreeee said it was the multi player that saved it, got better when the patch that added air unit's to the game :)
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The multiplayer isnt bad, but it could have been a hell of a lot better, they had so much content to draw on from the tiberian sun era and they used so little of it.
multiplayer is great fun, one of the best online fps for me tbh, its just different but in a good way.

ive had it for about 3 - 4 years now and still play it
I thought the single player was a little crap-tastic but the Multiplayer was sublime. I used to spend many hours a night playing it. Things went a bit pair shaped when EA took over Westwood though...they stopped supporting the game.
excellent game online.. Or used to be before the full the mighty renstation. Even came top 10 for a few months back in the day.
Hehe - this is one of the very few games i still play online regulary. Ive been playing for the last 4-5 years.

The teamplay element and tactics are essential part of being able to play this game online.

The old WOL servers have now been consolididated using X-Wis as the hosts, who combine USA+UK servers. Renguard (AntiCheat) program is soon to be realsing new version. Blackhand Studios have also just released a game patch (core patch update) that adds new maps and fixes game bugs. Id urge ANYONE who hasnt played it in the last 12 months to give it another try, its better now than it ever has been.

The game has more support now than it ever has done.

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