C++ Help understanding pointers.

5 Jul 2012
I'm trying to learn C++ and I've managed to figure out all the basic stuff like variables, loops, functions and what not but I can't figure out pointers at all and I can't seem to find anything online that explains them very well?
Try this: http://www.cplusplus.com/doc/tutorial/pointers/

If there's something you're still stuck with ask here, I'm sure someone will be able to help :)

Ok I'm no longer stuck with what they are but I still can't understand why you would need them, although my programming experience is about as far the first 5 or so project euler problems and a couple of end of chapter things in computing (Like create a program to calculate tax owed if you own blah blah blah type of stuff [also it was in VB6 *Hides in shame*])
Any ideas of simple problems that you need to use pointers for just so I can get an idea of why you need to use them?

I suppose something like a tree data structure would need to use pointers?
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