C.O.D : Out of effects Memory???

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Having another go through the Call of Duty series of games, and somehtign keeps coming up on me here...

It keeps displaying the message "Out of Effects Memory" ???

My system that this happens on is :-

MSI Neo4 / 4GB Samsung RAM / x2 4400 / X800 @ 850

So, Not remembering it prpeviously, I also ran it on :-

DFI LP250UT / 2GB OCZ / ClawHammer @ 2.6 / 9800Pro

And it comes up on that too!

So, as both these are ATI, I thought I would see it on an nVIDIA

MSI Neo2 / 1GB Corsair / Winnie3200 @ 2.5 / 6800GT

And it still comes up!

So, it must be its settings and I have even dropped it to 640x480 and it comes up???


Anyone have any clues?

No, I am quite a bit into the game and I am 50-50 on patching it at this time in case it loses my position??? I have v1.5 though, so... Didnt I need 1.4 to get UO onto it though??? Ok, I will patch it in a few minutes anyway then... See what happens?


This could be something... I am running 4GB of RAM on this PC, and I have setup a 256MB PageFile on C: and a further 3 512MB pages on my 3 other drives, so its got 1.7GB... I know that we can only access 4GB total, no matter how much RAM or PageFile we have, but I left it there cos the RAM I am unsure if I am keeping it you see, so I just left the PF as-is.

Now, forgetting that, I have actually come up with an error a few days ago, telling me that my pagefile was too small???? - now as I said 4GB + 1.7GB says that my virtual memory most certainly is not too small, no matter what I do, and I cannot remember at this time why it came up, but I am sure it was only while it was doing something menial, such as playing UT2K4 perhaps???

Maybe there is something in this, that is related to COD perhaps?

What else do I do all the time?

Folding@home, BitLord, DAP 8, Nod32, Prime95 & Speedfan are all that I have myself. They have never given me any issues before, I dont see why they should now? Maybe bitlord killing my bandwidth just by having it on perhaps, but nothing to do with the RAM.
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