C++ programming

10 Mar 2006
Hi all, might sound a bit ambitious but I am looking to earn C++ by buying the book "Programming: Principles and Practice Using C++ (Developer's Library)" to reskilling and get a new career.

If I buy the book though, what software do I need to develop anything on? Are there student /free versions of them perhaps?

I used to program in C#, badly at uni, so I have the tiniest practical experience, but I need a new career so figure this is a good a start as any.

I really am no genius but I used to pick it up easily back in the day. Quite a gap between me and genius which could pose a problem, aye.

Do you guys have any advice on which language to go with, if not C++? C++ seems promising because of the book I linked to, but if that's missing a huge chunk - which, I will have to check, but I think might be covered in an updated version / supplement - then perhaps not C++ at all.
I've ordered the C++ book, just because the book has such good reviews and sounds rewarding. The material is recommended as a 14 week semester, with two hours of study per day. I won't be able to achieve that, but 6 months might be reasonable.

Will just see how it goes. Hopefully what I learn will be transferrable to another language, such as C#.

Do I need Visual Studio to get going, or something else? Getting to grips with that will be a learning exercise in itself, won't it?
Sorry, should've referenced that - I did read that last night, forgot it was there this morning.

Trouble is that the trial's only 90 days long - I'm not gonna be far in by then. Will it stop working altogether then?

Oh FFS just actually read the post, you dumb goit. Express is free. Right. :rolleyes: Thanks. :p
Well, first step is underway. PC is back under the desk, I've cleaned out the hideous stuff from underneath the space bar, and Visual Studio 2012 Express is downloading as we speak.

The book is arriving tomorrow, when I will start crying as all my enthusiasm disappears as I remember how difficult learning to program is. :(
Yeah, not entirely rational to be honest - I wanted to learn something, stumbled across a book that teaches C++, bought it and I'm working through it now.

I learned about object oriented programming at Uni, way back when, but to be honest it didn't really sink in an awful lot, so it will be difficult for me to pick up properly.

That Wibit course is a great little thing, by the way Choas, I've already just watched the section on OO programming and it's reminding me more clearly what it's about.

So, yeah - not exactly rational, but perhaps I can move to C# later, if it's not too much of a pain?
Wibit quote:

Many modern languages today were inspired by C++. It is imperative to learn C++ before even attempting Java or C# or any other OOP language. Syntax structure for C++ is pretty much the same as C and other higher level languages follow similar syntax and program structure as C++.

Interesting how opinions differ so much.
I did read that, it was already posted further up in this thread by neocon. If I can branch out from C++ to easier languages such as C#, then that's what I will do. I too could see why Objective C is so popular as soon as I knew it was in use for the i Os! Mad.
Well I'm still trucking along with C++, much to your chagrin I imagine, but am actually enjoying it. How sad am I? :p

I think because this is a potential career change for me, if I put the hours in and apply the grey matter, it's much more rewarding to me than when I was learning it at college and uni.

I'm all over Method Overloading, now, and I've just done something about Dynamic Methods/Functions (that one clearly hasn't stuck too well :p). I am working through my book and doing the Wibit course, which I must say again is excellent, as I'm getting the simplest coding embedded in my brain through the book, and the concepts are coming along in my head through the Wibit C++ course.

Does anyone have any recommendations for any books relating to OO programming, or any forums that I can pester people on?
Thanks dowie, much appreicated. Will check the local library and see if they have those books available, if not will try the free versions.

Can I just enrol on those Mit/Stanford courses then? That's pretty cool.
Thanks chaps, appreciate the input to this thread.

Impossible question I know, but is it possible to learn a language to a standard that'd get you a junior role in a year? My company are offering redundancy and I'm tempted to take it to go down this path. Thanks. Feel free to mock me if you wish!
Does anyone have any recommendations for books to learn C# with, in the same format as the C++ one I have? i.e. beginner, but to a certan extent complete. It's already proving useful, but I keep hearing C# is the one to go for, so I might switch earlier than I anticipated.
Anyone care to have a look at a bit of code and give some advice?

It's basically an example to convert Celcius to Kelvin, and handle some errors along the way.

The code is as below, but I can't get it to throw an Exception, so I can't get to see if it's catching it or not. Everything I type in appears to turns to a number and be processed by my little function. Any idea what I'm doing wrong, if anything? :confused:

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