C# XDocument issue

20 Oct 2008
Just on the off chance...

I'm creating an xml file in C# using XDocument.

I've got one XElement where there's some text that needs splitting over two lines so the application I'm sending the file to will handle it as I'd like.

I want to end up with something like:

<Details>Line 1 
Line 2</Details>

If I try to insert the
directly I end up with:

<Details>Line 1 &amp;#xD;&amp;#xA;"Line 2</Details>

I can understand why it's escaping the ampersands, but can't see an obvious way to avoid it.

If I just use \r\n or Environment.NewLine they get passed through unmolested. I want them encoding, and at the moment I can't see how.

Does anyone have any thoughts while I sleep on it?

The xml is only used internally for interfacing between two systems. I'm 100% sure that it's a Windows platform and that I need CRLF rather than just LF.

If I just use \r\n one of the applications in the chain converts the CRLF to LF. If I hand create an xml file with the encoded characters everything works as I want.

#10 is the same as #xA it's just decimal vs hexadecimal, the same with #13 and #xD.

I had play with using CData but ended up with:

<Details>Line 1<![CDATA[
]]>Line 2</Details>

I've ended up embedding my own code into the XDocument where I want the CRNL to appear. Eg:

<Details>Line 1_!#CRNL%!_Line 2</Details>
I then convert the XDocument to string and perform a replace:

string s = xDocument.ToString().Replace("_!#CRNL%!_", "
File.WriteAllText(filePath, s);

I'm sure there must be a more elegant solution, but this does at least work.
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I haven't tried putting it all in the CDATA.

There's a chance that the text I'm dealing with could contain characters that I do want encoding. I can virtually guarantee that ampersand will turn up on a fairly regular basis.
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