I have owened an AVT412a cabinet in the past, and am now the current owner of a 1960A..... I have got to say, I don't know where you all get your opinions from, but the AVT412a (at least the one I had) weren't that bad at all. You guys might be confusing it with the MG412, which is REALLY bad, but the AVT412 series of angle and base cabs are very good, especially for the money you can pick them up for.
1960 is always the way to go, especially if you plan on playing any gigs, them wheels will save you so much hassle, and chances are you'll keep that 1960 for your next few heads.
412 v 212, you get such a better spread with 4 speakers. Even at lower bedroom volumes, your sound is coming at you from a larger area, so you perceive it as so much larger. Again whether you gig or not is another big factor in this consideration.
Speaker emulators, etc are for conditioning the signal from a guitar pre-amp or amp-modeler and applying the same sonic distortions to it, that would be present if it was played though a speaker cab and mic'd up.