Cabal Open Beta

27 Jul 2004
As title, was launched this evening for anyone that wants to give it a try i guess. Well worth spending a day on to see how you like it. At the current rate i'll probably play retail.

Ive quit wow in preference for this, and i played wow a lot - check some of the movies for a quick glimpse of how ubercool this game looks.
Playing on Mercury, lvl 32 so far (force shielder which is quite slow levelling). I'm always on the war server though as it gives honour for kills.

If you have any troubles downloading the update, try downloading the file through bit torrent, theres a torrent file in the \update folder.

I personally enjoy the flashy effects, later on the aura's etc you get just look pretty cool. Most of the levels ive done so far have been completed through quests, and if you take the time to read it, quite a good story line i've heard.

EDIT- You are either on Mars or Mercury, channel makes no difference as you can switch between them with your char anytime. The channel is just there for what you want to do, eg trade/war/pve etc. If i go on the trade channels sometime, i'll look out for people on Mercury.
there are a few spelling mistakes here and there (remember this is a beta) and im sure you could translate an english game to perfect korean :rolleyes:
yeah you can join any channel within your server no problem, so far ive been on the war server 100% of the time (names and chat are encrypted) and about to hit lvl40
you dont necessarily have to level up, if you rank up on sword or magic you'll no doubt hit the requirements. The game tries to assume you've ranked up once by then.
Now made guild on mercury, tho you wont often see us as we're all on war server so we look like <(*")#&#> but on other channels its ComboInTheFace :)
if you think aura's are good, wait until you see a level 50 battlemode, the phrase 'over the top' just doesnt cover it for the koreans :D
As its beta i dont think we really mind who joins the guild, if we play retail it would turn in to a serious guild though. If you post your ingame name (on mercury) here i'll add you if you want tho be warned we all use vent so theres not much guild chat going on, war server n all that.


I've done better but less kills. That was me a while ago, level45 now.
Quite annoying how guild and buddy lists break every now n then, but its a beta so they are ironing out the bugs.
if you find its being camped on your channel, just switch to one of the other 6, you may find they are less populated and you have a free run at killing a few in a row without interruption. thats one of the nicest thigns about the channel system
thats the same with every mmo, dont forget this really is the noobie zones and quests, just to get to grips with the game. Later on stuff gets a lot more challenging and thats only at 75/150 levels. Late game i can imagine things getting seriously challenging.
pvp pre-75 is fairly open ended so far BUT, at 70 you choose a country to align yourself with. At that point there are regular guild wars and country wars to compete in so it sounds pretty pvp orientated.
75 levels in open beta atm, and its quite a fast process, but retail will be 150 supposedly
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